
Wednesday, 11 December 2019


Morning is a time of fresh and relaxed mind. It is a time to plan and to get ready for the long day. A house wife fighting with different social and financial pressures starts her daily routine works at this time. During cleaning the mess of her school going children, she turns on the TV to relax and entertain her mind.  The plate form of morning shows can help the women to change their life styles and can help them to challenge their social and financial restrains. We’re not here to pass judgment on these shows, but to give some humble suggestions to improve the quality of these shows.

Some basic courses can be a part of Pakistani morning shows

Women can be practically coached about flower making, jewelry making, sandal making and many like skills. It would definitely enhance the creativity of the girls and women at home and will aid them to earn sitting at home. Some Basic English and computer education will do magic for the desperate ladies at home. All of us know that learning something new and informative always alleviate and boost up the mind.
It would look absurd after reading the above stuff  that these are entertaining shows, not the vocational centers but I believe that the hard working and dedicated administration of big morning shows will be able to  create some fun with these learning stuff too.

A small documentary should be part of morning shows

A small documentary about the different places, customs and people of different regions of world can improve the discussion abilities of house wives. They would feel confident discussing the world issues with their husbands and kids.

Top 3 movies/songs of the week

As discussion and gossiping about big screen is always been a high rating topic of famous shows. This platform will also increase the competition of our singers and producers of our reviving film industry.

Introduction of a good book/information about positive website 

Aside of house wives, many unmarried young girls from interior cities are also the followers of these shows. Their choice of books can be enhanced through an introduction of good Urdu and English books available in the market. In this way, we would not only market our writers but would produce the good quality mothers for future. 

A guide to informational websites/blogs

The world has emerged digital so we also need to pick the pace. Everyone single one has mobile but don't know how to use it in an effective way. Morning shows can put their role here. An Introduction  to any informative website/blog/facebook page can outbreak their live to new horizons outside facebook and whatsapp messages.

Branded makeup and designer dresses should be avoided in morning shows

A vast majority of viewers for these shows are simple house wives, who repeat their party dresses more than once with limited cosmetics. They have nothing to do with branded stuff. The irony is that the women who, approaches parlor and designers don't have time to watch these head aching content in morning shows.

 Tell the audience about cooking business not cooking methods

A lot of national and international channels are busy 24 hours a day to teach the tips of good cooking to their audience. We’re already overcrowded with these repeated recipes on internet and TV. Pl. move forward and let the women know, how to use their cooking skill as a profitable business. Some expert can give them demonstration about how to pack the food before selling. What kind of boxes and packets are required? How much amount should be cooked in start and how to label and market their product? What will be the cost and what are the profit margins? Which cooked products are best to sell? In this way you can boost up the energies of the women, who are worried to come out for work because of their less education.

Designers should teach designing in morning shows

Instead of showing designer dresses, a part of show can be fixed in telling the basic stitching techniques to a woman, who is worried with the high charges of their tailors. If the studios can arrange the stoves, fire and cooking ingredients than it’ll be easier for them to arrange some pieces of clothes, a pair of scissors and sewing machine. And yes, the noise of sewing machine will be far less than the spinning of a blender.

  Morning shows have been a great entertainment for many years for women at home in morning. They can meet their favorite celebrities. to deliver a high-rating show with newer ideas every day so everyone follow any trending crap. After facing lot of criticism most big entertaining channels have stopped showing morning shows. The trend of morning shows is shifted to news channels now which are producing good stuff but it is more often based on news related topics and are unable to have any positive impact on women that are the actuall audience of morning shows. They can get information about, what is happening around.  It’s a real head ache for a not impossible. With proper attention and hard work, new ideas can be boost up the ratings and can change the flow of water.
 The colorful mornings with wedding weeks freshen up the minds but now it looked all channels  are stacked their minds with wild, head aching noisy shows which are loaded with cheap Indian songs mostly.
 So please we all need fresh air to breath and your morning show’s breeze will act as Oxygen for our compassionate house wives and girls at home.


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