
Saturday, 28 March 2020

An indoor Bar B Q activity amid corona lock down-fusion stories

Corona virus lock-down is fabricating fear and mounting boredom when folks are constrained to stay at homes.

Every day is a holiday in corona lock-down but it is not meant to celebrate like usual holidays. No one can hang out or party with family and friends. People are looking and managing indoor activities that can assure them of being alive and breathing.

An indoor bar b q activity is such an effort from Islamabad, Pakistan.

How to do indoor bar b q?

'Though my office is not closed during corona lock down barren roads and closed shops were maddening me, ' Mr. Waheed talked about his corona lock down days.

 'My colleagues talk, walk and act in the workplace like some monster is going to pick them up in no time if they show any signs of being joyful during corona lock down. My young kids, after school lock down, ask many times a day,' is the park on the roadside close too?' My wife, a big source of breaking news for me, continued to tell me the latest situation of corona deaths after watching news channels 24/7, instead of talking about anything else. 

From TV to mobile phones, every single was talking and massaging about corona virus. Every second rising death toll echoes and precautionary stories overwhelmed my nerves. 

I started to feel lethargic and helpless.  Before that I would start feeling my self dead, I planned an indoor Bar B Q, ' he grinned.

'Yes, an indoor Bar B Q amid corona lock down! Barb q is a dish that meant to be cooked outside over the charcoal flames and smoke, but I decided to bar b q in my kitchen over my normal stove. How? Let me tell you...

On Sunday morning, I went to the market and bought 3 kg of chicken and 1 kg of beef mince.

'You better store this chicken as corona lock down may get long, ' scared shopkeeper advised after listening at my indoor bar b q plan.

'I'll think about it, ' I thanked him and came back. After washing my hands, I asked my wife to wash and marinate the meat for Bar B Q. 

'Are we going to Bar B Q the on rooftop as we can't go outside?' she asked.

'Nope, in the kitchen, ' I told calmly leaving her amazed.

She washed the meat and marinated it. She used Bar B Q masala, yogurt and garlic paste to marinate the meat.

My kids got excited about my plan. 

'Can we do bar b q amid corona viruses lock down? Is it safe?' my youngest daughter asked innocent as she was stopped by doing any activity because of lock down. 

My eldest daughter came with me to look for Bar B Q grill stand and charcoal bag. My son stopped playing video games and joined us too.

 'We last bar b q on Eid ul Azha last year, so we had to wash everything thoroughly.

We all forgot about any corona viruses outside. My wife stopped checking and sharing videos, massages about corona virus. The TV was turned off too. 

We didn't wait too long for the meat to marinate and I got ready for my plan. I put my bar b q grill stand right above my stove and heat the charcoal. My kids started to thread the meat pieces on barb q sticks or skewers. In no time charcoal's overwhelming smell overlaid the corona virus fear.  A normal kitchen chimney took the smoke out of my kitchen. I put meat sticks on Bar B Q grill stand and brushed them with oil. 

After an effort of 30 minutes, we were ready with the first dish of bar b q chicken pieces. My wife threads the next sticks for seeking kababs.

Can we do bar b q in corona lockdown

How to do bar b q in kitchen in corona lockdown

My eldest daughter brought burger patties out of the fridge and started to make her favorite bar b q burger. My son didn't bother to look around or thinking about any other recipe while enjoying an indoor bar b q chicken pieces.

   Me, my wife and the youngest daughter enjoyed the bar b q platter at the end with bar b q sauce. I'd 

In this way, we spent our corona lock down corona holiday with full energy amid an indoor bar b q activity. I daily try to plan an activity that keeps me and my family active and safe from being dreadfully lethargic and scared in corona lock down. I hope you like the activity and will share the activities that keep you and your family active and kill your boredom in corona lock-down.
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