
Friday, 5 June 2020

Iqra Aziz duplicate face from lebanon-find yours-fusionstories

The theory that every person has 7 dulicates or look alike dopplegangers across the globe seem to be true when Iqra Aziz sister Sidra found one Lebanon girl Noor's video on tweeter who was roaming out with her finance and Sidra confused Noor with her sister Iqra Aziz.

Sidra retweet the video with captian: For a minute I thought... but no no this is another beautiful human being guys. Relax. 

Yes, this happened when Sidra watched one video on tweeter and was about to retweet it.
After Sidra's attention when one Pakistani follower agreed the resemblance than Nour humbly replied to it and left the Pakistanis startled.

'I googled her and wow.. She is gorgeous, thank you so much for comparison, you' re too sweet, ' Noor wrote from Lebanon.
' For a moment, my finance was almost confuse that I' m leading a double life secretly, he's still in shock' Nour continued. 

You want to find your doppleganger or duplucate like Iqra in the world... 

According to scientists there is 0.75% chance of finding your copy in the world with matching all facial looks. Upload your phote and write ' compare a face' and the face that will be close to your 8 facial looks will appear on screen from anywhere in the world. Read more.. 


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