
Wednesday, 10 June 2020

N-5 National Highway, GT road Captured by White Butterflies in Salt ranges Pakistan in Covid-19 lockdown-fusionstories

Beautiful white butterflies have invaded National highway N-5 G-T road Pakistan, and have captured the area about 100 km from Jhelum to Mandra. The part of N-5, G-T road amid mysterious and hushed low-heighted  mountains and Salt ranges across Jhelum is one of most beautiful roads in Pakistan full with scenic beauty. Its beauty magnified with little white butterflies, hatching on bushes and in thin forest along the G-T road and muttering on national highway N-5 in groups. 

It was a pleasant view for many drivers when hundreds of white butterflies welcomed them on N-5 while travelling from Lahore to Islamabad after ease of lockdown in late May, 20.
Many drivers stated that as soon as they paid their toll money on Jhelum toll plaza then they observed the group of white butterflies on side of roads. The bunch of white butterflies was flying, dancing across the bushes. Many drivers also had to lower down the speed when group of butterflies was crossing the N-5 just at 1- 3 feet above the ground. Many butterflies even, hit the windscreen and laid down while crossing the roads.
N 5 G T road salt range
Trying to catch a Butterfly

N-5 national highway travelling from Lahore to Islamabad.

A simple mobile camera tried to snipe "Butterflies" from a rushing car. The white & somewhere yellow butterflies were flying along side road for more than 100 km from Jhelum to Mandra and Rawat.

Toll plaza GT road

Mesmerizing & hushed Salt Range is cradling white butterflies upon its bushes and thin forests.

Starting from Jhelum, white butterflies could be seen on both side of road in Dina, Sohawa, at Tarraki toll plaza till Mandra about 100 kilometers of road. This mountainous area is less populated and is full of bushy forests.
 This beautiful and eye-catching company of butterflies mesmerized the drivers and families who were travelling to celebrate Eid to their hometowns after ease of two and a half month-long lockdown. We also saw this mesmerizing scenery and tried to capture these little insects ruling on area when humans were lockdown. I hope this video is going to give you a chance to meet little white butterflies who captured G-T road. In some religions, seeing a white butterfly is associated with luck and good fortune. 

N-5 is the longest road of Pakistan, connecting major cities of three provinces starting from Sindh, crossing Punjab and end at KPK. N-5 gives you awesome travelling experience while traveling from Lahore to Islamabad while crossing salt ranges at Jhelum, Dina and Sohawa.

N-5 G-T ROAD Part full with white butterflies

The famous mountains of Jhelum which have been a cross road of many warriors like "Alexander the great" (Sikandar e Azam), "Shahbudin Ghuori" and "Mehmood Ghaznvi" are no doubt invaded and captured by beautiful little creatures now. 

It seemed that at last, nature had listened at the other residents of planet earth and provided them a chance to live and nourish in a free, clean and green atmosphere when human were lockdowned. 

Earlier residents of Islamabad, shared many videos of tigers roaming on barren streets and trying to open gates, from sector F-6 and F-7, adjacent to Margalla hills during strict lockdown in March and Early April. 
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