
Sunday, 27 September 2020

BISE online COMPUTER SCIENCE SMART SYLLABUS SSC, class 10, 2021 -fusion stories



 Smart syllabus will be followed in all board and intermediate education boards f Punjab province i.e. BISE Lahore, Gujranwala, Rawalpindi, Sahiwal, Multan, Bahawalpur. The syllabus is reduced to meet the study loss of students due to coronavirus long break. Remember there will be no change in the paper pattern and scheme of studies. Also practical exams will be conducted accordingly. 


Unit 1: Problem Solving:

Problem Solving Method (List of Steps of Problem-solving, Design Algorithm and

Draw Flowchart, Write the Program (Coding), Test and Debug the Program) (Pg.

1-3), Algorithm (Pg. 4), Strategy for Developing Algorithm (Pg. 4-5), Problem 2

(Pg. 6), Flowchart (Pg. 8, 9)

Class Work: Q. 2, 5, 7, 10 (i, iv, v, vii, ix, x) (Pg. 10 - 12)

Home Work: Q # 6, 8, 10(iv, viii) (Pg. 12)

Unit 2: Data Types, Assignment and Input / Output Statements:

Introduction (Pg. 13), Writing Programs in GW-BASIC (Create and Save the

Program, Load the Program, Execute the Program) (Pg. 14, 15), Structure of BASIC

Program (Pg. 15), Reserved Words (Pg. 17), Variables (Rules for Naming Variables

in BASIC, Type Declaration Characters, Types of Variables) (Pg. 17-18), Constants

(Pg. 18-19), BASIC commands (AUTO, EDIT, LIST, LOAD, RUN, SAVE,

SYSTEM) (Pg. 19-26), BASIC statements (END, REM) (Pg. 27), Operators in

BASIC (Pg. 28-31), BASIC statements (READ/DATA, INPUT, PRINT (Pg. 33-37)

Class Work: Q. 2,4, 6,10 (ii, ix), (Pg 38-40)

Home Work: Q. 5, 7,9, 10 (vii, viii) (Pg. 39-40)

Unit 3: Control Structures:

Introduction (Pg. 41), Selection Structure (Pg. 45-48), Loops (Pg.48-50)

Class Work: Q. 2, 4,7, 12, 14 (Pg. 51-52)

Home Work: Q. 5, 8, 10, (Pg. 52)

Unit 4: Arrays:

Introduction (Pg. 53), What is an Array? (Pg. 53-54), Filling and Printing of an

Array (Pg. 54-55), Types of Array (Pg. 56), One-Dimensional Array (Pg. 56-57),

Class Work: Q .2, 6,11,18 (Pg. 59, 60)

Home Work: Q. 5,10,9, 14,17(vii, viii) (Pg. 60)

Unit 5: Sub-Program and File Handling: I

ntroduction (Pg. 61), Built-in Function (ABS, INT, RND, LOG, DATE$, VAL,

MID$, RIGT$, CHR$) (Pg. 61-67), User-Defined Functions (Pg. 67-69)

Class Work: Q.2,5,10,11,13 (Pg.76,77)

Home Work: Q. 4,6,9, 12 (Pg. 77)

Unit 6: Graphics in BASIC: Introduction (Pg. 79), SCREEN Statement (Pg. 80,

81), PSET Statement (Pg. 83, 84), LINE, CIRCLE, DRAW Statements (Pg. 84-86)

Class Work: Q.2, 7, 8, 10 (Pg. 87-88)

Home Work: Q. 4, 9, 11,15 (Pg. 88)

Unit 7: Microsoft Word:

Entire unit excluded.36

List of Practicals for Grade IX (Old)

Unit 1: Demonstration of Computer Components

Entire Unit Excluded

Unit 2: DOS Internal Commands

1. Demonstration of DIR Command in detail including switches used with it

2. Demonstration of CD, MD, RD, and CLS Commands

3. Demonstration of Copy and DEL/ Erase Command

4. Demonstration of TIME, DATE, VOL and VER Commands

5. Demonstration of Xcopy Commands

6. Demonstration of CHKDSK and DISKCOPY Commands

7. Demonstration of ATTRIB Commands

8. Demonstration of FORMAT Commands

Unit 3: Introduction to Windows

9. Creating New Folder

10. How to Search for a File or Folder

11. To Cut/Copy and Paste a File Folder from one location to another

12. How to Use Recycle Bin

13. To Display the My Recent Document Folder on Start Menu and Open

Recently used document

14. How to Open and Make Selections from a Menu

15. How to Access Control Panel and Set the Time & Date

16. How to Arrange a Remove Icons

17. How to Add or Remove Programs and Windows Components

List of Practicals for Grade X

Unit 1: Introduction to GW Basic

1. Write a Program to find sum of average of three numbers

2. Write a Program to find area of a rectangle

3. Write a Program to find area and circumference of a circle

4. Write a Program to calculate surface area and volume of a cube

5. Write a Program to convert temperature from Fahrenheit to Centigrade

6. Write a Program to calculate distance covered by a car moving at an average

speed of V m/s in time t (sec). The Program should input average speed and


7. Write a Program that asks for name, roll number, class, section and marks in

different subjects of a students of class 10. The program should calculate and

display total obtained marks and percentage of marks.

8. Write a Program to input a number and display whether it is even or odd

9. Write a Program to calculate grade of a student37

10. Write a Program to write first ten natural numbers using for next loop

11. Write a Program to sum the series 2, 4, 6..., 100

12. Write a Program to display a table of given number up to ten values

13. Write a Program for the use of iteration of statement, (Read 5 values from

keyboard and find their mean gravity and compare the mean value against

actual value 9.8 meters / sec2

14. Write a program to find Factorial of a given number

15. Write a program to fill an array with letters a,b,c,d

16. Write a program to enter integer type data into an array and then to print the

values in reverse order

17. Write a program to read an array with 20 numbers and find the product of

numbers in that array

18. Write a program to find largest number out of given 10 numbers using an


19. Write a program to input numbers in two-dimensional array with 2 columns

and 2 rows and display the result in third array by adding these array

20. Write a program to sort the list of 20 names in descending order

21. Write a program using subroutine named mean and call this in main function

22. Write a program to print characters “tan” from the string “Pakistan

Zindabad” using mid$ function

23. Write a program to print first three characters from any string given by user,

using left$ function

24. Write a program to draw a line using LINE statement

the end


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