
Monday, 7 September 2020

These 3 features of new blogger should modify-fusionstories

 As the new blogger interface is the default since 1st September. This time blogger team has put a lot of effort to satisfy the users after coping with many shortcomings of new bloggers.

After kept on reverting to legacy blogger since May, at last, I've decided to go through a new blogger and I found it compatible and better but there are things which I still look need to modify and change.

1. VIEW post option should be at the top

I don't know why the new blogger interface shows the delete option at the top when you press the right side icon to view your blog post. It's not enough but the view post option drops last after delete, I publish.

Look at here

If anyone accidentally presses the right tab twice then sure going to lose its valuable blogger post.

So I request the new blogger team to modify the feature and reorder view, delete and publish options.

2. Toolbar should be visible completely 

The other feature of the new blogger interface that is quite frustrating is the toolbar of the blog page is not showing completely like a legacy blogger.

For a laptop, you need to press ... to see more options like insert pictures, videos, bullets, and on mobile, you need to slide the toolbar towards the left to see more options.

For a newbie, it's quite difficult to search icons on the hidden toolbar. I suggest that at least the insert images should be visible.

3. Done buttons should be there with labels, search description in new blogger

Another very important feature of the new blogger interface needs to be modif it to add DONE buttons below labels, search descriptions at the right side of the blogger page so the user can be sure of its work done right there.

We hope the blogger team would view our suggestions.

If you're having any other suggestions then tell us on the contact form. We'll add it to our article too. 

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