
Thursday, 8 October 2020

FBISE- Computer science online reduced syllabus, with practical class 10th, Federal board reduced syllabus


Computer science online reduced syllabus with practical for SSC II class 10th, Federal board

 Federal board of education has uploaded reduced syllabus for annual exam board 2021. Paper format will be from reduced syllabus 2021. Here is free online Computer science reduced syllabus class 10th. Print out, save & SHARE the Computer science  reduced syllabus from here:


List of Topics for Theory

 Unit 01 Programming Techniques (complete chapter)

 Unit 02 Programming in C (reduced chapter)

 2.2 Programming environment (Included)

 2.3 Programming Basics (Included)

 2.4 Constants and Variables (Included)

• Unit 03 Input and Output Handling (complete chapter)

• Unit 04 Conditional Control Structure (complete chapter)

• Unit 05 Loop Control Structure (complete chapter)

• Unit 06 Computer Logic and Gates (complete chapter)

• Unit 07 Skipped whole chapter in theory

List of Practicals


• Program to find the Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division of two numbers by using of

printf() and scanf() Functions

• C Program to Calculate Area and Circumference of Circle

• C Program to Calculate Area of Right angle Triangle

• C Program to Calculate Area of Rectangle

• C Program to calculate sum of 5 subjects and find percentage

• C Program to compare two integers and three integers

• Use of if()- else

• C Program to find whether the number is even or odd

• C Program to find if a given number is positive or negative

• C Program to Swap Two Numbers using temporary variable (temp)

• C Program to convert temperature from degree Centigrade to Fahrenheit

• C Program to print first 10 Natural numbers using for() loop

• C Program to print first 10 Natural numbers using while() loop

• C Program to print first 10 Natural numbers using do-while() loop

• C Program to check whether the number is Prime or not

• C Program to find table of a number

• C Program to print numbers in reverse order from 1 to 10

• C Program to print even and Odd numbers from 1 to 20

• C Program to find Roots of a Quadratic Equation

• C Program to find the Grade of a student on percentage marks

• C Program to find Grade of a student using switch statement

• C Program to find the Sum of odd series from 1 to 100

• C Program to print the following number pattern Nested loop

• C Program to create a simple calculator using Switch statement

• C Program to find Factorial of a number

• C Program to find GCD of two numbers


All above applications, homework questions & exercises will be part of syllabus. Federal board students need to revise all above questions and parts for the preparation of exam 2021. Computer Science Paper pattern will be according to the reduced syllabus in March 2021.

SAVE and SHARE the reduced syllabus from here in any of your convenient social media account from given icons


To curtail the study loss and pressure on students due to coronavirus long break, Federal Board of education fbise has reduced syllabus OF ALL SCIENCE & ARTS SUBJECTS and has uploaded to website. The syllabus can be downloaded from fbise official website or the students of class 10 can see the syllabus online from here. One thing is important to mention that paper pattern and scheme of studies will remain same for board exam to be conducted in May/June 2021. All chapters and topics are given here to benefit the students.
