fbise federal board of education has reduced Sociology syllabus and uploaded to website. You can also check Sociology reduced syllabus HSSC online here:
I. Introduction of Sociology
1. Definition
2. Subject matter
5. What Science is!
6. Sociology as a Science
8. Role of Sociologists in the society
II. Social Action and Social Interaction
1. Definition of Social Action
2. Essentials of Social Action
3. Importance of studying Social Action
4. Definition of Social Interaction
5. Essentials of Social interaction
6. Importance of Studying Social Interaction
7. Distinction between social action and social
III. Social Group and Social Processes
1. Definition
2. Significance
3. Types as below:
i. Primary and Secondary Groups,
ii. Formal and Informal Groups,
4. Definition and forms of social processes:
- Cooperation
- Competition,
- Conflict,
- Accommodation,
- Assimilation
IV. Social Stratification
1. Meaning
2. Determinants
5. Merits and demerits
6. Meaning
7. Class – economic distribution
9. Horizontal and vertical Social Mobility
V. Social Norms Status and Role
1. Meaning
2. Significance
3. Folk Ways
4. Mores
5. Laws
8. Meaning of Status and Role
9. Types of Status – achieved and ascribed
VI. Values and Belief
1. Definition of
values and belief
VII. Society
1. Definition
2. Elements
3. Significance
4. Rural and Urban Society
VIII. Culture and Civilization
1. Meaning of culture and civilization
2. Significance of culture and civilization
3. Uniformities and variabilities of culture
IX. Social Institution
1. Meaning
2. Significance
3. Family
4. Education
5. Religion
6. Polity
7. Economy
8. Recreation
I. Social Control
1. Meaning
2. Significance
3. Agencies of social control
4. Social control in modern welfare society
5. Good Governance and Social Control
6. Role of Islamic Values in Social Control
7. Deviant behaviour with reference to crime and
violence in Pakistani society
II. Environmental and Social Life
1. Meaning of Environment 2. Significance
3. Impact of physical environment on Social Life
III. Social Research
1. Meaning 2. Functions
3. Significance
4. Types – Pure and Applied dynamics of social research
in Pakistan
IV. Social Change
1. Definition 2. Processes
4. Factors promoting social change in Pakistani society
6. Introduction of information technology and social
changes taking place in
Pakistani society
V. Culture and Society
1. Cultural heritage and ideological foundations of
2. Uniformities and variabilities among the
3. Islamic Cultural Values
4. Nature of National Integration and Cohesion in
Pakistan with special reference to
debacle of East Pakistan
5. Steps to strengthen national integration in relation
to Islamic ideological
foundations of Pakistan
6. Definition
7. Processes and agencies of socialization
9. Definition of the national character
10. Ways to strengthen the characteristics of national
VI. Social Problems
Meaning classification causes, consequences and remedies
of following social problems
in Pakistan
– Over population
– Social disorganization
– Poverty
– Illiteracy
VII. Communities
1. Definition of community
2. Nature of rural community