
Saturday, 17 October 2020





1. Introduction to Statistics: Collection (1/8) and Presentation of Data

Content Scope

Nature and Importance of the Science of

Statistics, Statistical Data, Population and

sample. Brief revision of classification,

tabulation and frequency distributions and their

graphic representation

Define Statistics, give importance of

measurements and different fields of science

where measurements are useful. Explain

different types of raw data in the fields of

Science and Humanities, mainly in Medicine,

in Agriculture, in Chemistry and Psychology.

Explain the difference between a population

and a sample, use sketches for showing

population. Explain the importance of the

sample. Demonstrate types of frequency

distributions like symmetrical and nonsymmetrical Cumulative and relative frequency

distributions be explained by the use of

sketches, Explain bar charts in different forms

namely; divided bar charts, compound bar

charts. Give an explanation for expressing data

in rectangles an pie chart.

2. Measure of Location and Dispersion. (2/8)

Contents Scope

Arithmetic mean, Geometric mean. Median,

Mode, Range, Mean Deviation, Variance,

Standard deviation, Difference between

Absolute and Relative Measures of Dispersion.


Explain arithmetic mean and variance of raw

data from a frequency table, using mid points

and also by change of origin and scale and

their properties. To explain geometric mean,

use ungrouped data as well as grouped data.

Explain the method of direct calculation using

root and also by using logarithms. To explain

median and quantiles graphical method be

explained as well. Mathematical proofs are not


3. Index Number (1/8)

Content Scope

Introduction to Index numbers concept of price

index numbers steps involved in the

construction of price index numbers

“Unweighted price index numbers (fixed based

and chain based method)” weighted price index

Explain the index numbers as a useful

statistical technique to assess the growth or fall

of a certain item or economic series with

respect to time or any other unit. Price index

numbers by simple relative and link relative numbers (Laspeyer’spaasche’s and fisher’s)

consumer price index number.

methods be explained. Price index and its

constructions must be given as examples.

Fixed base and chain base methods for price

indices be explained. The concept of weights

be explained with reference to the arithmetic

means in grouped data. Laspeyr’s and Fisher’s

indices be explained by applying the standard

results on a number of exercises. Consumer

price index number be explained in general and

with reference to Pakistan. Similarly wholesale price index numbers to be also explained

in a similar way.

4. Simple Linear Regression and Correlation (1/8)

Contents Scope

Bivariable data (non-random versus random

variable) scatter diagram; estimation of

regression parameters by least squares method,

properties of the regression line; interpretation

and applications of the regression line.

Bivariate data, (random versus random

variable) scatter diagram; point estimation of

population correlation co-efficient; properties

of the sample correlation co-efficient;

interpretation and application.

Explain “Bivariate data”, by giving sketches of

scatter diagrams when one variable is specified

and several values of response variable are

assumed given at each non random variable

similarly the sketches when both variable are

random be also drawn and explained. Least

square method be explained, normal equation

be formed and estimation of regression

parameters be given in terms of  X,  Y, 

XY,  Y


, and  X


. Both the regression lines

be explained by considering an example in

which few values of the two variables are

given the properties to be included are :

i. Sum up squares of deviation from

regression line is minimum.

ii. The point of intersection of

regression lines at (X, Y).

Interpret by explaining the use of line of

regression for forecasting and for

estimating at “n” unknown values of

independent variable.

Explain the correlation co-efficient by

explaining bivariate data in which both

variables are random, the calculation of

correlation co-efficient be explained by

considering examples. The properties of

correlations co-efficient be explained by


i. rxy= ryx

ii. r lying between – 1 and +1.


iii. the value of correlation co-efficient

does not change by the change of origin

and scale and correlation can be obtained

by geometric mean of the regression coefficient.

5. Analysis of time series (1/8)

Contents Scope

Introduction to the concept of time series;

nature of fluctuations, signal and noise,

components of a time series, measurement of

secular, semi averages, moving averages and

least squares (linear), advantages and

limitations of these methods.

Explain the time series as a series in which one

variable is time occurring at specified intervals

(non random and the other variable is random).

Examples be given from Economics, Public

Administration, Business administration, Trade

and Commerce. Fluctuation in the time series

be explained in terms of trend which is given

in terms of components of a time series and

random fluctuations as noise. Linear and

quadratic forms of time series s be considered.

The linear and quadratic time series be

compared with trend obtained by free hand,

semi averages and moving averages method.


To curtail the study loss and pressure on students due to coronavirus long break, Federal Board of education fbise has reduced syllabus OF ALL SCIENCE & ARTS SUBJECTS and has uploaded to website. The syllabus can be downloaded from fbise official website or the students of class 12 can see the syllabus online from here. One thing is important to mention that paper pattern and scheme of studies will remain same for board exam to be conducted in May/June 2021. All chapters and topics are given here to benefit the students.


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