
Saturday, 19 December 2020

KAMYAB JAWAN LOANS (YES)ONLINE GENERAL INFORMATION- Youth entrepreneur scheme loan detail-fusionstories



In Youth Entrepreneurship Scheme (YES), Pakistani-resident applicants aged between(21-45) can submit applications online to receive various loans from the government for their start-ups and small businesses as well as existing enterprises.

 The loan limit has been increased to 25 million or 2.5 crore. The total number of banks participating is 21 to make the process speedy.

*Here is General information about Kamyab Jawan loan YES scheme.

  • What is minimum amount of loan I can apply for?


Kamyab Jawan Loans are leveled into 3 tiers:

Kamyab Jawan Loan

Loan amount

Mark up


Tier 1

100,000 - Upto 1 million


Upto 8 years

Tier 2

1 million - Upto 10 million


Upto 8 years

Tier 3

10 million - Upto 25 million


Upto 8 years


  • How Loan have to repay?

Kamyab Jawan loan can be paid in monthly, quarterly, bi-annually or annually installments. The final decision will be depend on the type of business and the respective bank.

  •  What is grace period?

Kamyab Jawan Scheme allows a maximum of 1-year grace period. The final grace period would depend upon the specific business types and banks’ decision.

There is no interest on loans from Rs 10,000 to Rs 1 lakh that will be distributed in 45 under privileged districts of Pakistan.

  • What is maximum tenure of Kamyab jawan loan?

The maximum tenure of loan is 8 years.

  • What is approximate monthly installment?

Monthly installment will depend on the tenure, age of applicant and amount of loan taken.


  • How and where can I get information about this Kamyab Jawan loan scheme?

  1. The information regarding loan scheme can be checked on

2. You can contact nearest branches of participating banks as for guidance.


  • What is an eligibility criterion of Kamyab Jawan Loan?


1.      All men/women holding CNIC, aged between 21 and 45 years and having entrepreneurial/business potential are eligible.

 2. *For IT/ E-Commerce related businesses, the lower age limit extends to 18 years.

3.       Small and medium enterprises (startups and existing businesses) as per description of SBP  by youth as per above mentioned age brackets are also eligible.


*For IT/E-Commerce related businesses, at least matriculation or equivalent education will be compulsory.


  • How and where can I apply for kamyab jawan loan?
  • Download the application form 
  • Fill the form
  • Submit it @

  • Is this from kamyab jawan loan scheme only for startups/new business?

No. This scheme is for both for startups as well as working micro and small business enterprises.


  • My application was under process. Should I re-apply?

Yes, you can but you will be contacted by your designated bank once the process is complete. You can re-apply meanwhile if you want to avail the increase in maximum loan size announced recently.

  • Is kamyab jawan loan be applied physically in branches?

Physical application is not allowed for kamyab jawan loan. All applications have to be submitted online at the following link


  • What is the maximum and minimum age requirement for applicants for kamyab jawan loan?

The minimum age for the applicant is 21 years at the time of application compliance.

However, it is relaxable to 18 if applicants applying for IT or Computer related businesses.

The maximum age limit is 45 years at the time of application submission for loan.


  • What will happen if a person's age is within maximum age limit at the time of application submission but exceeds by the time loan is approved and/or disbursed?

 A person is 45 years of age at the time of application submission age exceeded 45 years before the loan was approved and/ or disbursed, it will not affect the eligibility/loan of applicant.


  • Does maximum age limit apply on all the business partners applying for  kamyab jawan loan?

Here at least one business partner’s/director’s age should comply with the age limit (21-45 years).

  • What should be minimum educational requirement for kamyab jawan loan applicant?

There is no minimum educational qualification in kamyab jawan loan. However, it will be a favorable consideration for decision making by banks generating loan. Aside there are businesses which compulsorily require certain qualification, certifications, diplomas, authorizations or licenses, the applicant require providing that.

  • Can women apply for  kamyab jawan loan will get priority?

There is no gender discrimination in kamyab jawan loan scheme and applicants of all genders men/women are offered equal opportunities. However, a minimum of 25% share, on aggregate basis of all loans is kept for women considering the ground realities and to protect the fair gender.


  • Can employed/salaried persons also apply for kamyab jawan  loan?

Yes. Private companies employed can also apply.


  • Can existing/running businessmen also take advantage from this scheme?

Yes. Existing micro and small enterprises can take Kamyab jawan loan from this scheme.


  • Can persons from same family apply for this loan individually and independently?

Yes but one family member cannot apply in another’s name.


  • Can two or more person jointly apply for kamyab jawan loan?

Yes, they all should jointly and severally (individually) eligible for the loan.


  • Can a non-resident Pakistani apply for kamyab jawan loan?

This scheme is only for resident Pakistanis. Non-resident Pakistani can’t apply.


  • Can I apply for loan with another existing loan?

A person cannot avail more than one loan but after the repayment of his/ her first loan and

issuance of clearance certificate from his/her bank, he/she might apply for second loan.


  • Can blood relatives of bank employees apply for kamyab jawan loan?

Blood relatives of employees of participating banks cannot apply for loans where blood relatives are employed. These blood relatives may apply for loans any other bank where their blood relatives are not employed.

  • Can government employees apply for kamyab jawan loan?

No. Government employees are strictly barred from applying under kamyab jawan loan scheme.

*All General information is taken from official website of Kamyab Jawan Scheme. 

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