
Tuesday, 5 January 2021

HEC Research Awards 2021 call for applications, prize money

 HEC research Awards 2021

Higher education commission HEC invites Pakistani researchers and scholars to submit applications for HEC research award competition 2021. 

The purpose of hec research awards is to recognize and award excellence in research contributions to intellectual development, social welfare. Also to promote publications with higher impact. 
Hec awards will be given in the following three categories.

  • Best researcher
  • Best young researcher
  • Best publications

Eligibility criteria
General eligibility

The applicant has never been blacklisted by HEC to apply for hec research awards 2021.

The prize money for hec best researcher and best young researcher is pkr 0.5 million each. 
The prize money for hec best publication is Rs 1 million.
The last date of submission application on the online portal is February 1
Hec application research awards 2021

Hec application research awards 2021

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