
Sunday 28 March 2021

Pakistan Constitution 1956, 1962, 1973 salient features






A constitution is a body, or a written document containing basic principles, legal & political rules; power-sharing formulas to guide the governments, establishment, judiciary and common people to govern and run the system.


Pakistan has experimented on three constitutions 1956, 1962 and 1973 (present constitution) until now. Here we’ll tell you the salient features of all constitutions of Pakistan.

Pakistan came into being on 14th August 1947 as a Dominion within the British Commonwealth. According to Indian Act 1947, British monarch was a head of state in Pakistan. The representative of British monarch was called Governed General. The time was given to newly established countries Pakistan & India to establish constitution & sound government systems in the state. Pakistan Muslim League PML was a representative political party that acquired power from British and first President: Muhammad Ali Jinnah and Prime Minister: Liaquat Ali Khan was selected from PML. A assembly started working to frame the constitution. Pakistan’s first three governor Generals Muhammad Ali Jinnah, Khawaja Nizamudin and Ghulam Muhammad were from Muslim League. The party leaders started to work on making constitution keeping in view the parliamentary election systems like Govt of India act 1935. According to Indian act 1935 elections were conducted in 1936-37 in 11 provinces and elected representatives joined the assembly. The political party with majority representatives/seats made the government.  Prime Minister is a representative of people. He has supreme powers and president has de facto status.

India was successful to pass its constitution on 26th January 1950 and the same constitution is still in force. Contrary, Pakistan fell into political instability after the death of Quaid e Azam. There started a tug of war between politicians to seek power position. Military interference in civilian decisions was another significant reason of creating chaos. The administrative issues started to simmer in East Pakistan and West Pakistan. To deal with administrative matters, the scheme of ONE UNIT was introduced.



It took around 9 years for Pakistan to pass its first constitution. The 1956 constitution was passed on 23rd March 1956. British Monarch was ended. The status of dominion was changed to Islamic republic and title of governor general and monarch were replaced by a President. Military Chief Sikandar Mirza title shifted from governor General to President.

Constitution of Pakistan



Pakistan assembly adopted the constitution on 29 February 1956 and it was enforced on 23rd March 1956. Constitution 1956 was enforced when 4th Prime Minister was Chaudhary Muhammad Ali and military chief Sikander Mirza was President. The constitution was opposed from many members of Awami league (an emerging political party from East Pakistan)

The 1956 constitution was an extended document with 234 articles divided into thirteen parts and six schedules.


The 1956 constitution salient features:


Country’s official name was declared as “Islamic Republic of Pakistan” & Pakistan became republic after it.

ALSO READ: What is a Republic


Objective resolution was an introduction of the constitution.

(Objective resolution also remains introductory of successive constitution in Pakistan)

  The Constitution of 1956 provided system based on equivalence between East Pakistan and West Pakistan.

There will be one house of parliament known as the National Assembly.

 Parliamentary system as of India act 1935 was adopted where a prime minister was head of government.

National Assembly comprised 300 members; 150 members from each East Pakistan and West Pakistan as a ONE UNIT.

President, will be elected by the Electoral College of Pakistan composed of members of the National Assembly and Provincial Assembly.

Ten additional seats were reserved for women. Punjab was given 40% seats in the West Pakistan Assembly.


 Pr Members of the Assembly were to be elected based on Direct Elections where adults of age 21 and above can poll the opinion.

President was given lesser powers and was declared ceremonial head of state.

 (President was given power to declare emergency getting any internal or external danger.)

        Asides Islamic laws, independent Judiciary, freedom of speech were also defined in the constitution.

        Bengali & Urdu became national languages.


Right after the constitution 1956 enforced, four prime ministers were changed in two years. Military didn’t seem happy on the authority of civilian government by the constitution. The charges of incompetence & corruption were imposed on prime ministers. Asides, a continuous tussle and security threats to Pakistan’s existence from India fabricated the chance for the military to intervene the authority of independent civilian government. These elected Prime Ministers were Chaudhary Muhammad Ali resigned on Sept 1956, Prime Minister Hussain Shaheed resigned on Oct 1957, Prime Minister Ibrahim Chudrigarh resigned Dec 1957, & Prime Minister Malik Feroz Noon was dismissed on Oct 1958. At last, President Sikandar Mirza suspended constitution in 7th Oct, 1958.

 He appointed General Muhammad Ayub Khan as the Chief Martial Law Administrator. On 28th October, Ayub Khan deposed Sikandar Mirza and became President. First Martial Law was imposed in the country. The constitution of 1956 was abolished.

ALSO READ: What is Martial Law?


Constitution 1962:

The constitution was presented by President Ayub on 1 March 1962 and finally came into effect on 8 June 1962.

Ayub Khan enforced 2nd constitution in Pakistan on 8th June 1962 after 3 years of his Martial Law imposition.

Salient features of constitution 1962 


The 1962 Constitution constitutes more powers for the president.

The Constitution contained 250 articles divided into twelve parts and three schedules.

Apparently, it ended Martial Law which in fact was working.

The constitution was enforced without consent of assembly.

All the judges of the High courts had to be selected and appointed by the president with the advice of the chief justice. But president was not bound to the opinion or wishes of the Chief Justice.

It was intended to huddle all powers for a single man: President Ayub Khan.

All other parts of constitution 1962 were remained same as of 1956 which included objective resolution, concept of one-unit, National assembly, freedom of speech & judiciary etc.


To meet the pressure from public and political parties, Ayub Khan resigned and gave charge to Military Chief Yahya Khan, who promised to hold general elections in the country. Yahya Khan declared Martial Law and abrogated constitution 1962 on March 25, 1969.

He also ended one unit scheme and four provinces of west Pakistan came back to their positions as per 1947.


Constitution 1973


The constitution of 1973 was framed after losing East Pakistan. Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto who was elected president in result of general elections of 1970, drafted the constitution. Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto also consulted the opposition parties while framing a new constitution. The constitution had adopted new and brief definitions of system, power sharing, definitions of Senate, National assembly, guidelines for Elections, including objective resolution from 1958 constitution. This constitution is still enforced in Pakistan with many amendments.


Constitution of Pakistan

Salient features of constitution 1973


The constitution was approved by parliament in 10th April 1973

It become effected on 14th August 1973

It consists of 280 articles and 7 schedules

Objective resolution was an introduction of the constitution.

The Constitution recognized a "Bicameral Parliament" as a legislative authority.

 The house will consist of the Senate as Upper house (providing equal provincial representation).

 National Assembly will work as Lower house will comprise representatives of public.

        Only a "Muslim" (The Constitution of Pakistan defined a Muslim as a person who believes in the unity and oneness of Allah, in the absolute and unqualified finality of the Prophet hood of the Islamic prophet, Muhammad, and does not believe in, or recognize as a prophet or religious reformer, any person who claimed or claims to be a prophet, in any sense of the word or of any description whatsoever, after Muhammad) of not less than forty-five years of age is qualified for becoming the president and Prime Minister.

        All existing laws shall be brought in conformity with the injunctions of Islam as laid down in the Quran and Sunnah.


        Teachings on Arabic, Quran, and Islamyat to be compulsory in country's institutions and

        A secure, correct and exact printing and publishing of the Quran was made sure.

        Proper organizations of Zakat, Waqf, and mosques were made sure.

        A National Finance Commission (NFC) consisting of the Provincial and Finance Minister was established.

        Prostitution, gambling and consumption of alcohol, printing, publication, circulation, pornography, and display of obscene literature and advertisements was banned.

·      Urdu was declared national language. Official language is Urdu and English


The constitution 1973 is called supreme law is still enforced in Pakistan with about 20 amendments.



