
Sunday, 2 May 2021

Is happiness disappearing from our lives or we forget to live happy?


Is happiness disappearing from our lives or we forget to live happily? 

Is happiness disappearing from our lives or we forget to live happy?

Is happiness also become digital and hidden behind big screens or it's still around us, waiting to get explored? There can be many justifications to bear out the fact that humans are not happy and content as they were a few years back. The debate can be dense and crucial from a different point of view. Many people argue that it is the time, the social networks, and the financial pressures, and of course a prevailing coronavirus pandemic that is responsible for dropping the happiness level around the world. According to a recent survey, the people of the United States, the UK and other European countries that are known to have the happiest residents are more anxious and stressed today than ever before.

For us, it is not the time that should be accountable for rising stress but these are human behaviors that are slow in adapting to the fast changes.  The real thing to understand is that we have to learn to stay happy in any situation. 

A person from any part of the world will have to hear that peace, happiness, and contentment are disappearing.

I said to an old man, ‘I want peace.’ The old man said, ‘Take “I” & “want” out of this sentence and you’ll remain with peace.’

There is a never-ending race to get more material things to feel happy and blessed. In this race, we are not caring for the emotions of others. We are getting happiness at the cost of other’s share anywhere.

In this race, we are neither living in peace nor calming others. There is a popular saying that the one who disturbs others can never find peace.

The Corona epidemic has taken a dangerous toll on social relations. Everyone is complaining about each other these days. Complaints and unrest are being found in every matter be it religious or political.


Complaints and grievances between husband and wife, disagreement between father and son, children to parents and neighbors to their neighbors, friends to friends, writers and poets to critics and critics to writers and poets can be heard everywhere. And for this, everyone is giving his two cents that this time is bad. The question is there any promise or time that is worthy of complaint? The real thing is whether the time is good or bad?

 The role of our deeds and actions is key in making it good or bad. This is our life and we have to fill it with colors on our own, shape it or distort it, play our role in making it favorable or unfavorable.

Internet and social media have limited our direct interactions with our relatives and friends. While forwarding and receiving a single Whatsapp greeting message, we fail to spot the happiness and excitement that we felt on waiting and receiving greeting cards a few years back. Happiness is not disappeared but the period of happiness is shortened. Our happiness doesn’t persist longer and we start looking for some new event to make us happy. The taste of verbal gossip has been lost in Whatsapp and Facebook chat. Talking to a real person, who is sitting right beside you instead of typing on mobile, will give you real happiness. We take support of mobile to avoid arguments and fights with our partners. Gradually, we start to miss intimacy from our partner which is associated with our verbal conflict anyway. The arguments and fights are real stimulation of married life. They help us to improve ourselves and to understand our partner. Putting mobile at sides and listening to your partner can be difficult for a while but the essence of communication will be felt longer.

The positive side is hidden even in our difficult times. There are rays of hope even in unfavorable situations. It is necessary to identify it and put it into practice.

Some actions that can help us to find happiness are positive thinking, staying busy, writing your negative thoughts, forgiving, and sharing.


 Positive thinking keeps man fresh in every age. Positive thinking is the perfection of our performance and our understanding that we deliver to others. It is an insight to turn the tide. Positive thinking creates space for others and connects you to life and society. Keep on telling yourself,


“If good time couldn’t persist then this hard time will also pass. This difficulty will open up new doors of opportunities for me. I’ve to look for them to use them at their best.’


It has been best practice to keep the momentum and pace of happiness to write down negative thoughts and then throw them in the trash. According to psychologists, this should be done regularly. Paying attention to your thoughts and taking care of when negative thoughts are invading the mind and trying to think of something good immediately can also drive negative thoughts out of our minds.



 Writing and poetry can play an important role in protecting life from disappointments as long as they are constructive and representative of the values of life. Use your mobile or laptop notepad to write whatever you feel, think, and want from life. All our actions seem to be personal but their effects on our collective life are very deep. Writing can help us to understand the other person’s point of view.




Most people are moving away from social life by worrying all the time. They live in the past all the time or keep worrying about the future. This overthinking does not allow a person to rest. Living in the present and feeling the present to the fullest can save us from drowning in the thoughts of the past. Who saw yesterday? So, why not learn to live in the present. Thinking about the future is a negative process but making a goal in life is a positive thing. Set goals in life and strive for them instead of thinking about the unseen future.


Time has entered into new dimensions in the 21st century. Time has become digital and faster but the sentiments; the cravings for care and love are still old. Who doesn't like to get something but says that the pleasure in giving a gift is not in taking. Sometimes helping a needy friend or relative, feeding a homeless person, or any other kind of charity even giving a smile to someone will make your mood better. How to spread love to go? This question is not so difficult. Giving a gift to your loved ones, get along well with other employees working in the office, give ice cream to a child, many small habits to share the love with your fellows can help gain love. It doesn’t need money, or a fast internet connection to spread love among your fellows.

Being able to forgive the mistakes of others can make life easier and happy. A psychologist who has counseled many married couples says that most problems start with daily bitterness.

Paying attention to each other, caring for each other, keeping up, and, above all, forgiving mistakes can prevent many relationships from breaking down. Forgiving is closely related to forgetting and you need to forget or let go of some events to move on in your life. Sometimes toxicity in one’s life is because of its habit of self-pity.


“I can forgive the mistakes of my husband but can’t forget,” many women use to say this and miss the happiest moments of their lives. 


Happiness has dropped sharply around the world, according to a new global survey.





Whatever religion a person belongs to, he is drifting away from his religious teachings and running blindly in pursuit of the world.


There is also a report that the subject of happiness has become a part of the curriculum in schools in many countries. It is good to learn how to seek and deliver happiness.

The curriculum includes daily mental meditation, moral education, and mental exercise with the help of which students will be taught to be good human beings. The curriculum will strengthen the role of students, improve their mental health and teach them tolerance. Students will also be taught to cope with stress, depression, and anxiety.


According to the World Happiness Index, Norwegians are the happiest people. A year ago, Denmark was the happiest country on the index. The compilers of the Global Happiness Index believe that if happiness could be bought with wealth, the United States would be the happiest country, but this is not the case because of government policies.


The main reason why Norway is considered to have a top-level happiness index is its economic system and health standards. The people of this country have more options to choose from in their daily lives besides being confident.


Iceland is ranked third and Switzerland is ranked fourth in the global happiness index. Seven of the top ten countries in the new report are from continental Europe. Germany is ranked 16th among the most populous countries. The happiness of the people is linked to the pro-people policies of governments. There are three non-European countries in the top ten countries. The North American country Canada ranks seventh. Australia is ranked eighth, while New Zealand is ranked ninth. This report was released by the United Nations and is compiled by an organization that oversees global sustainable development. India ranks 118th, and Afghanistan ranks 154th. Iraq ranks second among the unhappy countries. Afghanistan and Yemen are at the bottom of the list.


On the other hand, even among ordinary citizens of rich countries, unnecessary pressure and hegemony are increasing. Citizens of many rich countries have expressed some degree of satisfaction with their lifestyles. And the gloom has taken hold. In the end, we will end this conversation with a beautiful statement

It is clear guidance that when you feel a lack of peace, then repent before your Lord. We have heard from the elders that a content heart is a great blessing. A blessed heart is always calm, no matter what the circumstances; he lives with patience and gratitude. A discontent person always feels troubled even after rearing, he remains anxious and finds no peace.






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