
Tuesday, 6 July 2021

Map of Pakistan for kids worksheet for kids

 Here is a printable worksheet of map of Pakistan

Level: Prep, KG, grade 1-3

Students will be able to understand and colour the map of Pakistan. They will write and comprehend the provinces location, area and learn their spellings.

Map of Pakistan for kids

Map of Pakistan for kids

Learning outcome:

Students will be able to answer the following questions orally after sol inv map of Pakistan for kids worksheet:

1.How many provinces Pakistan has?

2. Which is the largest province of Pakistan?

3. Which is the smallest province in Pakistan?

4. In which province, do you live?

5.Do you know about neighboring countries of Pakistan?

Pakistan has 5 provinces : Punjab, Sindh, Khyber Pakhtunkhaw KPK, Balochistan and Gilgit Baltistan. There is also a disputed  territory of Kashmir in the map of Pakistan. 

Pakistan capital city is Islamabad. 

Balochistan is the largest province of Pakistan bu area. 

KPK is the smallest province of Pakistan by area. 

There is Arabian sea in the south of Pakistan. 

Students can understand Pakistan map well if they get familiar with directions. 

Pakistan map for kids

Pakistan neighboring countries are India, Iran China and Afghanistan. 

India is in East of Pakistan. 

Afghanistan and Iran is in the west of Pakistan. 

China lies in North. 

There is Arabia Sea in the south of Pakistan. 

Pakistan total population is around 216 million or 22 crore in 2021.


Teachers, students can printout map of Pakistan worksheet, color the map, and write the provinces names and neighboring countries. 


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