
Friday, 25 August 2023

Independence day stage decoration ideas for schools

 Independence day stage decoration ideas for schools

Though cherishing and celebrating independence is not limited  to only one day of the year, celebrating independence day with great zeal in schools and colleges is also very important. It is important to celebrate independence day so our youth, our students can know the value of being free. They can be passed the facts that why it is important to safeguard the country's interests from enemies.  They can know the reasons for slavery and its effects on the lives of the people. Celebrating an independence day is a reminder of our duties on being a citizens of a free nation. Every independence day celebration lit the spirit of being independent freshly and enthusiastically. 

On celebrating an independence day, it doesn't matter that you hoist a big flag of Pakistan on your roof or fill your balcony with a bunch of small bounty flags, you wear green and white badges, paint your faces or visit the city's main centers on noisy cars and bikes while holding flags to see the enlightened government and private buildings but important is what that you are aware that you are blessed with a land that owns you and holds you everywhere in the world. What is a feeling of being free can be noticed on the occasions when Pakistan win international sport events, when we see Pakistani flags hoisting on foreign lands. The energy and proudness we feel is a true vision of being a free nation. 

Being independent is not a luxury but it's a responsibility to defend the country's interests, its borders, and its ideology from evil eyes. Being independent calls us to doing continuous efforts to keep the country unite, and work to make it a prosperous and better way to live. 

So celebrating, cherishing, and decorating an independence day with great passion boosts your devotion, loyalty, and love for your country in a new and energetic way. 

Here are independence day stage decoration ideas for school and college functions:

Independence day stage decoration ideas for schools

Independence day stage decoration ideas for schools

Independence day stage decoration ideas for schools

Independence day stage decoration ideas for schools

Independence day stage decoration ideas for schools


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