
Tuesday, 3 April 2018


  ‘Let them try, these 21stcentury’s ancient people can’t brawl with our paraphernalia.’ They have lost the charging of their glove fires. He pointed to one wall and smelly fog spread all around. Sigma saw unconscious Wania at one side, clutched her and tried to break screens from sides to escape ….
when Wania fired at him. Her glove fire was in action now as it hasn’t been used.
‘Girls are never a snag Mr. Hassan as you think,’ she fired furiously on Sigma, and taunted at Hassan who was looking at his incriminate electric gloves.  
It was unexpected for Sigma. He got injured and fell down. He tried to crawl outside. Umer took out his empty wrapper of chips and lodged on his face.
‘At last I seized the frog with my empty wrapper. What would if I threw it in the dustbin,’ he looked at Wania.
 Just then Zaka entered the room with cops. Cops circled the room from all side. Amazingly two cop men were fighting now by multiplying their images just like Sigma’s men. Sigma’s fighting squad was trapped now. His men fell down and died in minutes but there was no blood spread on land. It dried off in the air. Mostly their bones broke down and caused their death.
                           The people of 24thcentury looks pollution freak, no noise pollution, no blood on road etc. It would be very difficult for me to survive in such trimmed world,’ Umer commented loudly.  He handed over the sigma to cops then. Sigma got arrested and they all set free from his control.

Few moments later they were at Nimra’s tree flat again. Zaka and Nimra were working on time travel project together.
‘As u all know Zaka can access the asteroid belt time pastures. All images and sounds of this world are saved in space holes but we’re able to unveil and visit the few from past.  We’re still on our work. We will give this project outcome to our government only,’ Nimra ordered a tasty liquid for all of them.
‘I am sorry, you suffered because of me, but you bravely detained Sigma,’ Zaka admired them.
‘Actually sigma was our class fellow. He always used short cut and negative means to get success. His greed takes him to this stage,’ Nimra told them about sigma.
‘Even he changed his real name at the ancient Greek letter to show himself unique and superb,’ Nimra added another informative but a funny note.
‘Class fellow? But you told us, there are not schools in this time.
scholl should replace with salwa method
'SLWA' future learning method for schools
‘Sumaira’s learn with age method I mean ‘SLWA’ method replaced the concept of traditional schooling in 22nd century,’ Zaka laughed vociferously.
‘SLWA’ method,’ Murtaza’s eyes opened wide.
‘Yes, no more 5-8 subjects all at a time daily for 8 hours at schools. Any one can learn any subject of his interest at any age. A 'SLWA' injection is diffused in our minds through nose or ears at the time of birth. It automatically goes on work according to our age,our mind level and interest . For example I never liked language subjects. I just study science and Math till the age of 13 then I started history and geography. At the age of 20, my mind accepted to learn language and I learnt three languages instantly. You know I just memorized (Hifz) Quran just in 3 moths when I learnt Arabic.’
‘And I just studied arts till the age of 10 then I stepped up with other subjects. At 15 my mind accepted math and science and then I carry on with it till now. Madam Sumaira made our lives easy,’ Zaka amplified their speculation.

                 ‘It’s looking strange. You don’t have to study 8-10 subjects all at one time from the age of 5 like us,’ Shireen was about to die after listening about the future learning method.
‘Yes it looked weird to many people in start. Madam Sumaira was a high school teacher in Islamabad. She devoted her life in research for the easy learning methods for next generations. In start people didn’t believed this method then they applied it manually. Now mind machines decide our level of interest at every age and suggest us the subjects.’
‘Don’t get worry, 95% of students learn about every obligatory subject till the age of 20, an average age to complete the schooling of your time but few people continue learning till the age of 60. now learning is for fun not a burden. You know my mother got her degree in tree house management, last year. Many people just masters in technical education if they have zero interest in studies. We have more than 1000 privileged choices for every one.I’m sorry to admit but at your time the studies was more a burden.
‘This is my university,’ Nimra moved her index finger in air and a big board appeared in the room.

‘Sir Nadeem!’ they all surprised by looking at his picture at one side of that board.
‘No, he is Alishan. He is a great scientist, a discoverer of a new planet and a founder of dislodgement theory. He was a scholar of Quaid e Azam university that why his picture is proudly showing on university access screen,’ Nimra looked at them in amazement.
‘No, you must be mistaken. He is our computer teacher. We were attending his computer lecture in 21st century when we disembarked in future,’ Wania floated closer to that picture.
‘Ok, let me check. Umm… Nadeem. Yes, here it is. Nadeem was a grand father of Alishan,’ she showed them the family tree of Alishan.
‘A great grand son of great grand father,’ Murtaza admired.

‘This is for the brave ladies of the day. They made our day. Our brave finger guns sniper women. Am I right guys?’ Zaka grinned at Hassan, Murtaza and Umer.
‘Off course, Shireen and Wania fought wisely to seize Sigma,’ Hassan hardly answered. They had a great lunch there at a famous tree nest restaurant. They enjoyed the floating and flying zones just by few powerful jumps from land. 
‘Now its time to go back to attend your lesson,’ Zaka said.
‘No, I don’t want to sit in that stinking room any more. Actually I want to adopt SLWA method of teaching at our time too’ Shireen protested.
‘I just want to study Math,’
‘I’ll just learn computer,’
‘And my age suggest me to learn nothing but play,’
They all joined Shireen in protest one by one.  
 ‘I can understand your situation but SLWA method is not that easy as you think. There is no match of your disciplined school systems, uniformed students …,’
‘And um… teachers,’ Umer completed him annoyingly.

‘You can come here whenever you want but now its time to back. Hoping we’ll meet in another time expedition soon.
 They all were in the mood of more gossip when a bright lightening of shooting star forced them back in there time.

They found themselves in lab again.
‘Why, you haven’t started your work yet? Sir Nadeem came inside his office. Only 10 seconds passed in their absence as they spent 10 hours in future.
 ‘Sorry sir, we are about to start,’ Wania replied.
‘I said not to waste your time in gossiping and chatting, loyalty and hard work always pays off. I want to see great scientists, astronomers and geologists in you. You can change your future if you decide to revolutionize it,’ he advised as always.
‘You’ll Sir. I’m happy that we’re the pioneers of our developed and prosperous future,’ Murtaza got excited.
‘You shouldn’t be disappointed of your situation at any time. Great nations beat the difficult times and produce great researchers, scientists and inventers. It’s me who has to create my future with my own will. I really love my country in any case and will put my all efforts to up raise its status up to skies.’
Every one looked at Shireen in astonishment.
‘What happened guys. Is every thing ok?’
‘She is just impressed of Alishan and SLWA method,’
‘Nothing sir,’ they all laughed and continued their work. The power was on again and the room was no more stinking.  
THE END        
disclaimer: all characters of the story are imaginary. they bear no resemblance to anyone living or dead.Enjoy and get lost in videos, saved in space pockets from past and future. Five class fellow went on time travel adventures with the aid of a scientist Zaka, from 24th century. Other stories of the series are:

    Why not enjoy a fearless novel of a Pakistani sniper lady doctor at Karachi operation, a brave commando at Wazirastan operation zarb e azab and an irritated and scared Chinese engineer working in Pakistan
disclaimer: all charartes in the story are fictitious. they bear no resemblance with anyone living or dead. 
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