
Thursday, 19 September 2019


India and Pakistan are actually enjoying the enmity on the issue of Kashmir since their birth in 1947.

‘Is there any enjoyment in enmity?'

In fact, more than an enjoyment, cradling the enmity satisfies the wild human, crave of empowering its counterpart by slaying or destroying it. Superpowers craft many enemies to show their might and to fetch the license of having a huge Army and buying of ammunition. America keeps an eye on Russia and Saudi Arabia charges in Iran for any insurgency on its land. Korea and Israel conduct successful missile experiments. Pakistan and India play eye to eye on Kashmir conflict amid shadows of atomic war. What is all this… a license to kill many without offense just can be hatched by cradling a powerful enemy as its happening in Kashmir?

Indian occupied Kashmir is under consistent curfew for more than a month and severe incidents of human right violation have been reported from there since article 370 is abrogated from the Indian constitution on 5th August 2019, following a strong rebellion from natives of Kashmir.

Kashmir is a bone of contention between Pakistan and India. Both countries claim Kashmir. To be a part of the third world countries, Pakistan and India not only got but sustained their atomic powers in the name of this enmity. Both countries bear, massive expenses on nourishing their huge Army and play scuffles at borders off and on with well-equipped forces. They fight proxy wars in neighbor countries. If India exploded 5 atom bombs in 1999 to show its might in the region, then spontaneously Pakistan came into the field with 7 atomic bombs without giving damn to any sanctions from the world.
India goes to buy Rafale fighter jets from France and Pakistan paid for more F-16 from America. If the issue of Kashmir is not resolved according to Kashmiri people’s consent as India promised in UN then the whole world would have to feel the blaze of atomic war and enjoyment of enmity will ruin millions of lives.

Many people and especially the media and politicians fear that if we lose this enmity then there would be no flavor to add revenue to their bank and vote accounts. How many gold medals and trophies other country won at any international game event matters more than of its number of victories in India and Pakistan. They keep on checking each other’s ranking at any chart in the world. The feel of celebration is same at one’s country win or other’s country loss as in any achievement or at any failure as recently the world spotted the hilarious tweets from Pakistan upon failure of India’s Chandrayan 2 moon launching mission. They appear back to back on the world map due to this enmity.

pakistan and India war at cricket grounds

To keep healthy competition and positive flip of enmity is fine and unarguable, but it shouldn’t be at the cost of many lives. Both countries have justification, cut up their social budget to defense by overlooking the real needs of people living below the poverty line on both sides.

Both India and Pakistan should learn from history where many countries indulged in the world wars and fell to feet. The time, they decided to solve the matters on the table, things have gone superbly. Now France, Germany, Turkey, Japan and many other significant countries of world war are ruling the world by their highest per capita income and advanced technologies by abducting the war phobia. The people in both countries wish for peace as they find the potential to take their countries to a new horizon under the peaceful sun. They want to travel through each other’s place. People in Pakistan and India strongly crave to see their tax money to be thriving on their welfare projects instead of buying ammunition. Donald Trump, the president of the United States of America has also offered mediation on Kashmir issue when Prime minister Imran Khan visited there in July 2019. Kashmir is an international conflict now, which can lead both atomic power nations to a devastating war. The world needs to address the Kashmir issue and human rights violation in Indian occupied Kashmir on a serious note so that people in both countries can enjoy the only positive side of this enmity.    


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