
Monday, 9 December 2019

BGV-Background Verification Companies for employees in Pakistan|degree verification|-fusionstories

BGV (background verification) in Pakistan

After mending its security issues and following the inauguration of CPEC, Pakistan is now the new destination of many national and international businesses. Any business focuses to gain higher profit and this milestone can be achieved by hiring dedicated and genuine employees. It is sad but the fact that few applicants provide erroneous, fake or flaunted information on their resumes in Pakistan. To pick up the genuine employees, many business owners look for BGV of employees. BGV is a background verification check of candidates applying for any job and it covers the identity check, degree verification, criminal record check, insurance frauds, and previous work records scrutiny. After hearing at fake degree scandals and also to avoid any employee with suspicious record many corporations and business owners in Pakistan are recognizing the importance of BGV. They isolate a small budget to pay background verification companies as the cost of BGV is less than the hassle of reemployment and below-rated work from some incompetent employee.

BGV Companies in Pakistan

education/degree verification background check in pakistan

While indulging in multiple business tasks, it is almost impossible for any organization to screen its candidates and workers. There are many national and international BGV companies in Pakistan that aid the organizations in employee background verification on nominal charges and discounted packages just by online posting of necessary documents such as ID cards, degress, passport etc. These BGV companies in Pakistan can be accessed in person by visiting their offices or by searching on their websites. This may take 3 to 15 days to verify the employee record depending upon the requirement of verification services.

What do BGV Companies do in Pakistan?

There are two main types of background verification. One is pre-employment of candidates check which covers basic identity check (whether the candidate is Pakistani citizen or not), Status of degrees (whether the qualification degrees or certificates are original or fake, the degrees are gained from HEC recognized university or from any counterfeit one). The other is a post-employment verification check which is most popular in Pakistan. In post-employment verification check the worker is screened for its identity, residence proof, for any past criminal history and sometimes this verification is extended to spouse and siblings verification too. BGV Companies in Pakistan function with collaboration with NADRA (National database & registration authority), HEC (Higher education commission), and some spy agencies. BGV Companies also do Google searches to verify the credentials of an employee. 

We’ve compiled a list of BGV companies working in Pakistan:

Educational/ employee verification in pakistan/

ROZEE.PK is another well known online website that collaborates from advertising job vacancies till outsourcing reliable candidates for business owners. “Rapid Source” is a BGV Company that works under Rozee.PK and provide solutions from outsourcing to a screening of candidates.

online degree verification/employee background check in pakistan

“Risk discovered” is a brand name of background check management. It is a renowned background Verification Company in Pakistan since 2006. “Risk discovered” verify candidate's address, qualification, criminal record, and previous experience checks. “Kamata Pakistan” is an online recruiting company that also partnered with risk discovered to provide deep verification checks and any organization can contact “Kamata Pakistan” for deep verification of its employees on discounted packages.

Background Check Pvt. Ltd.  
bgv company in pakistan

Background Check Pvt. Ltd. has its proper office in DHA Phase 2 extension Karachi, Sindh Pakistan. It provides risk management and fraud prevention services in more than 200 countries including Pakistan. Background Check group can be contacted by visiting their website at any time.

Check Xperts

“Check Xperts” is a business to business feature by “Tech Exons Pvt. Ltd”. Check xperts in another Karachi based detective and BGV Company. Check Xpert has its office in DHA Karachi and works with the collaboration of many small and medium-sized business owners in Karachi by aiding them to hire thorough workers by screening educational documents, criminal records, and drug checks, etc. Check Xperts is a dedicated team under Chairman M Husnain A. Basarai and Director S. Masoud A. Naqi.

Ingenioustribe global solutions
bgv companies pakistan
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“Ingenioustribe global solutions” or ITGS group now has its office at Shahrah I Faisal Karachi. It provides complete BGV services to its clients and helps to boost their business with authentic workers and can be accessed through their website at any time.

Corporate bridge of risk management (Pvt.) Ltd.

It’s is good news for the business community of Islamabad and Rawalpindi that they’ve reliable BGV companies in the area. Corporate bridge of risk management or CBRM has its office in Satellite town Rawalpindi. Asides their helplines are functional 24/7. They provide complete background verification of employees on discounted charges with a commitment to give long-term solutions with trust.

DE RISC group

degree/residence/criminal record check in Pakistan
“Derisc group” is London based company and has its office in F-7 Markaz Islamabad and it also provides proper BGV check to its clients.


It has an office in the Blue area Islamabad and provides all BGV services under one roof.


This agency is established to aid international job seekers and assist the candidates about the legal requirements of each country by verifying their ID cards or Passport etc.


Delta screening services are A&J Kashmir based BGV company promises to provide thorough screening of employees.

Esquare HRM services

Esqure is UAE based BGV Company that also provides services in Pakistan and provides complete guidance to HR solutions to business organization. Once on getting the resumes, the Esquaure detects the proper verification check of candidates.


Greves group provides corporate verification and intelligence services in more than 100 countries including Pakistan. The office is in Dubai but Greves groups can be accessed through their website too.

Asides there are local BGV companies that can be accessed for any verification of employees. They include:

Pappu detective agency

Lawyer in Lahore

Azaad law associate private detective agency, Lahore

United Law Company, Lahore

The above BGV companies in Pakistan are working with hard work to assist medium-sized or small business owners ( private school, private hospital, security agency, restaurants, online work, etc) to hire best and genuine candidates to save them from any deception from their employee in terms of their qualification and history work.



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