
Saturday, 13 June 2020

Total COST TO PUBLISH A printed BOOK in India, Pakistan-marketing, profit on different publishing forums guide-fusion stories

HOW MUCH IT COST TO PUBLISH A BOOK-How can I get my book to publishing in a few days in Pakistan and India:

You’ve spent a fairly good time in writing a fiction story, an outclass novel, delightful recipes' book, motivational articles, poetry, autobiography, or research work and your heart is thumping to see your words composed in a book form in a hard copy. Your much work is published and has been praised at online forums but still, a dream of catching your thoughts from the bookshelf of any room is your ultimate wish. There are four popular ways to get your book to publish and each way has its pros and cons which are being discussed in detail in this article. How much does it cost to publish a book depends on which method you select to get your book in the market? Your book publishing methods in Pakistan & India and how much will it cost to you can be:

  • Contact big publishing houses in your locality for book publishing & it'll be free on approval.
  • Search local market Publishers to self-publish. It can charge up to $700- $1000 or even above approximately as no publisher prints less than 250 copies of any book and it costs too much.
  • Check Online-publishers to publish a book in a hard-copy. It will cost you a lot but less than market publishers. Be aware of scammers here.
  • Go to international online book publishers like Amazon. It is free or charges reasonably for publishing paper-back books.
Below we'll discuss each way & step by step guide along with cost, marketing, and your profit margins at different book publishing forums.


What does writing a book mean? 

It means that anyone has set the pearls of thought on paper with passion and love. There are two ways that you chose to write your book. One is to write on paper with a pen, then you must have a file to put your manuscript. You must have photocopied your book material and most probably have got the binding of your papers. It means that you’ve got the book is in the raw form right now. The second and most popular way nowadays to write a book is to type in Ms. Word. You may have converted it into a PDF file but how to outreach the publishers, what will be the cost to publish any book? Can I publish my book for free? How I’ll market and sell my book? What are the earning goals of my book? There is a flow of questions that are bothering you from the comfort of your writing table now. It’s the time that you’re looking for any publisher to publish and market your book. In this article, you’ll read how you can make your dream of seeing your manuscript as a hardcopy true with an estimated cost and profit comparisons. There are three main ways to get your book to publish in a hard copy with different costs. Every way has its prons. and cons.

Let’s discuss in detail:


 Google search the leading publishers in your country and contact via e-mail or by phone call. Popular and busy publishing houses, mostly ask to “POST” your manuscript; a very traditional way. They’ll be reluctant to view your book through e-mail etc. If your manuscript is ready written in your hand then it’s good and if your book is on Ms. Word then get it printed, bind it, and post it.

From here, you need to get a follow-up of your book. If you would be lucky, and someone got a chance to read your manuscript then there are two chances. One is that your manuscript is approved. What else you dreamt for! Congrats! Big publishing houses don’t charge publishing prices. They’ll edit, compose, illustrate for you. They’ll publish your book, market it, and grab their share and publishing cost from the selling copies. For example, they can get 30% to 50% of your selling price of each copy. You’ve to sign a contract with them and decide upon royalties etc. Mostly, you can’t get a penny from the selling of the first few copies until the publishing house grabs its cost and profit. If your book gets likes from the audience in the market then you’ll be able to grab a few pennies from its sales.

Pros. and Cons.

  •  Getting publish a book from leading publishing house Your work is marked as paramount as it is chosen by a big publishing house. 
  • Your book will publish and get marketing free of cost. You’ll not able to earn until hundreds of copies of your book are sold out.
  •  You don’t have control over the price of your book. 

 What if you waited and waited and got no response from big publishing houses even you sent your manuscript twice. Don’t get disappointed, you should at least ask for advice to improve your book and try to act on it. Go and look for 2nd way to publish our book.

 Search local market Publishers to self-publish, cost and profit 

 The second way, where you have an almost 90% chance to get your books to publish is to talk with local publishers. There are big stationery markets in every big city. As in Pakistan and India, there are URDU BAZAARS in big cities. Many local publishing houses also publish books on small scales. Go and visit any of them in person. Meet the agents. They’ll check your manuscript and ask about your budget. These publishing houses will suggest you hire proofreaders, illustrators, and composers from them. You’ll choose paper quality. Here is a test of your bargaining strategy. Self-publishing a book from vanity publishers is expensive and hectic as it is expressed in many forms. Any publishing house will not print or agree on less than 250 copies ordered from you. They’ll tell you that they have to put plates to print the book and it cost them high if they publish lesser copies. The cost of self-publishing a book depends on the size of the book, quality of paper, number of illustrations, type of binding and back cover, etc. Recently my friend paid a total of Rs 1 lakh or roundabout $1000 to a publisher for 250 copies of her book which was 175 pages and without a single illustration. She had to bear around Rs 200 or $ 1.5 per copy and she set the selling price as Rs 450 or $2.
Another author got his book printed in Rs 190,000 or $2000 for 250 copies with colorful illustrations and good quality paper. He had to bear Rs 700 or $5 per copy and he is selling his book for Rs 800/- or at $6 for one book. Of course, the novel of 500 pages will mount to high printing cost while self-publishing.
 Many small and emerging publishing houses inform you about any book exhibition in the town and aid you to reach there. They will also promote your book on their online pages.
 You can too, promote your book online on Instagram, Facebook, etc, which is much convenient and responsive nowadays. Your friends, colleagues, and relatives can buy your book if they find it awesome, they’ll surely recommend it to others. It’s not that creepy at all to self-publish a book. Go and get your dreams in reality but be aware of fake publishers who run after grabbing the money. There is a chance of making a profit on every copy you sell and similarly the chances of loss if you’re not able to sell any or all. Pros. and Cons.

  •  It gives you a feeling of accomplishment to see your book in your hands. 
  •  You’ve control over the price, profit, and marketing of your book.
  •  There is a pretty fair chance that you wouldn’t be able to sell all copies of your book and your invested money never comes back. 

 Online-publishers cost to self-publish a book in a hard-copy

 Yes, you can also get your book to publish in a hard copy using online publishing platforms. As you see the ads of many online publishers while Google search that’ll get your book printed and will deliver it to your place. These online publishing houses provide you the budget plans and offer the illustrators and proofreaders on charges. Many writers find it easy to chat with these publishing houses from the comfort of their homes. If you’ve done your research to meet a real online publisher then go ahead. Select your budget plan and get your copies delivered at your door. Again you have to order and pay for at least 250 copies of your book. It means first you’ll buy your all copies. These publishing houses also market your book on their platforms on payment, but in reality, it’s all upon you to market and sells your book. Again be careful of scammers.


 You can self-publish in hard copy through an online platform is to contact and publish from Kindle Amazon, CreateSpace, Smashwords, and Nook Press which get your book to publish in hardcopy free of cost just in few weeks but on certain terms. Like big publishing houses, these online publisher platforms will take back their printing and composing costs when any of your books are put on the market.  Prons and Cons:

  •    You can get free online proofreading services through their package and don't require much knowledge to get your book printed. 
  • You can edit your book as many times you want. It may take several weeks to grab your hacopybookook. 
  •  You may not earn a single penny if your book is sold in lesser quantity.


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