
Sunday, 14 June 2020

INSTANT MASALA BHARAY TEENDAY RECIPE in Urdu & English-fusion stories-مصالحہ بھرے ٹینڈے کا سالن

instant masala bhray teenday salan recipe urdu and English

Teenday is summer vegetable of South Asia which is cooked and liked in every house of Pakistan & India in hot summer days using with different recipes. Teednday is also known as apple gourd, roud gourd or baby pumpkin. The most common Teenday recipe is to cut Teenday into cubes and cook into onion and tomato curry for 15 minutes. Masala Bhray Teenday is an innovation to enhance the flavor of vegetable and to make it appealing & mouth watering for children at home and for those who don’t like vegetables. We believe when you’ll try our Instant “Masala Bhray Teenday recipe” then you’ll forget to cook traditional teenday curry and always cook masala bhray teeday to collect the praise from family.

Checkout Masala bhray teenday recipe in Urdu & English


Teeday      6-7  ٹینڈے  Apple Gourd
Onion پیاز     2  
Tomato   2   ٹماٹر
Garlic & Ginger paste   1 table spoon ہسن ادرک کے پیسٹ
Green chilli   3-4  ہری مرچ
Red chili powder 1 tb spoon  لال مرچ
Salt   according to taste نمک
Turmeric  ہلدی
Cumin seeds زیرہ
Fennel seeds  سونف
Chaat Masala according to taste: حسب ذائقہ

Cooking time: 30 minutes پکانے کا وقت

Serving: 5-6 persons
Instant teenday bhray masala tip:

اچار گوشت مصالحه 

Don’t have all spices then simply use “readymade Achar Goshat Masala” from the market and fill in the teenday with that to get traditinal masala bhray teeday flavor. See how instant it was to make masala bhray teenday. We make cooking easy, tasty and instant for you.

ٹیٹڈے اچار گوشت مصالحه سے بھر کر تل لیں


Mix red pepper, fennel seeds, salt, chaat masala, turmeric in a bowl. Peel the teenday fine and cut in four halves leaving the base join as shown below. Fill in the mixed masala or Achar Goshat Masal  in all teeday using spoon and put teenday in one plate.

When all teeday is filled with masal then fry teenday carefully in a frying pan on medium heat. When teenday are brown and cooked from all sides, take them out. Now heat three tablespoon oil in another pan and put chopped onion and pot in the pan until they are brown. Add garlic, ginger paste, tomatoes, salt, red chilli powder, turmeric and fry until a smooth curry is ready. Put fried teeday in the curry and cover the lid. Let the curry and teenday cook on small heat for 10 minutes. Meanwhile stir the pan holding from both side to let the teenday cover with masala as you do in making koftas.
Tasty and delicious Masala bhray teenday is ready to serve with hot chappati, salad and raita.

مصالحہ بھرے ٹینڈے کا سالن: طریقہ

لال مرچ، نمک' زیرہ' سونف کو ملا لیں- ٹینڈوں کو چھیل کر درمیان سے اس طر کاٹے کہ نیچے سے جڑے رہیں- ان میں مصالہ بھر لیں- ٹینڈوں کوکڑاہی میں تل لیں یہاں تک کہ براؤن ہو جائں- اب پتیلے میں پیاز،ٹماٹر، ہری مرچ'لہسن ادرک کے پیسٹ'  ہلدی سے مصالہ بنا لیں اور تلے ہوۓ ٹینڈے اس میں رکھ کر دم لگا دیں- مزیدار مصالہ بھرے ٹینڈے کا سالن تیار ہے-گرم روٹی کے ساتھ پیش کریں-

Nutrition Value:

Teeday is very healthy summer vegetable with no any apparent discomfort after eating it like we experience after eating Gobhi (Cauliflower) or  Bengan (Brinjal).
 Teenday has about 93% of water and only 66 calories in 100 gram of serving. It increase urine flow as it has a lot of water and help to filter out toxic from body. 


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