
Sunday, 21 June 2020


How aeroplane looks in Solar Eclipse

This is how aeroplane looks in Solar Eclipse-Pakistan
image credit: Hum news

People captures solar eclipse from aeroplanes but a few are able to capture a plane which looks like a  shadow is capture from Pakistan under solar eclipse.
Its not safe to view the eclipse from naked eye but many sky watchers used to watch solar eclipse through x-ray films.  Meteorologists and TV cameramen also saved mesmerized pictures of solar eclipse from Pakistan.

A classy solar eclipse picture when eclipsed sun rays passes through wired window pane of a room and made shadow on tiles. A girl in Pakistan captured this view when she found solar eclipse casts and shadow  on floor of her room at different times.

Solar eclipse shadow on floor

Solar eclipse shadow on a floor passing through wired window pane

Astonishing Solar eclipse captures in Pakistan
A clear sky and a perfect timings of morning gave chance to all Pakistanis to witness and capture shots of first solar eclipse of 2020. Many people in Pakistan have captured the beautiful and astonishing picture of "ring of fire" solar eclipse in Pakistan too and shared on social media accounts. This image was shared on twitter.

Pakistan and many other Asian countries witnessed the on longest day of year 21st June,2020. The duration of a solar eclipse was almost 4 hours in Pakistan. The moon came in front of the sun’s authority to dapple it at 9:30 am and overrule almost 909% of its face around 11:26 am in many cities of Pakistan including Larkana, Sukkur and Gawadar. After showing its worth, the moon continued to its orbit in the next two hours and the sun settled down itself again.  Solar Eclipse was visible in many cities of Pakistan including Karachi, Hyderabad, Quetta, Jewani, Gawadar, Mirpur and many parts of Baluchistan and Sindh province. The residents of Lahore and Peshawar and many other cities of KPK and Punjab province also witnessed mesmerizing phenomena of nature which they missed due to fog and clouds in December 19.

A mesmerizing view of a solar eclipse from behind bushes in Lahore, Pakistan.

solar eclipse picture on lahore

people are watching solar eclipse using x-ray films-Pakistan
Image credit: Hum news 

Another long-distance view of a solar eclipse in southern areas (Quetta, Awaran, Dalbandin, etc)of Pakistan.

solar eclipse pic i quetta

We found this astonishing solar eclipse image of 2019 to be viral on whatsapp.

All news channels in Pakistan also covered and captured every second overruling shadow of the moon on the mighty sun. In Karachi, the moon overshadowed almost 70% of the sun and turned the day into night.

solar eclipse 2019 in pakistan

When the solar eclipse was on go in Karachi and more looking like a moon in dark in the day. The solar eclipse captured in Karachi.

solar eclipse in karachi 2019

This mesmerizing picture of a solar eclipse is from Saudi Arabia

Light faded for long and temperature falls after June solar eclipse in Pakistan. 


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