
Thursday, 13 August 2020

Cambridge agrees to review result, Pakistani students protests against lower grades, Govt. and Federal minister Shafqat Mehmood took notice-fusion stories

The University of Cambridge has announced O and A level results for May/June exams 2020 leaving concerns among the students in Pakistan.

  • Cambridge result 2020, Pakistani students concerns and protests against lower grades, Federal minister Shafqat Mehmood took notice

Good news for Cambridge students that CAIE agreed to review its grades after Pakistani students protested against devastated low grades and govt took notice of it. The grades will be recalculated now and Cambridge assured that grades will not lower than schools given grades. New grades will be issued soon by September 2020.
Federal education minister tweeted that
'As a result of intervention conveying the anguish of our students, Cambridge has agreed to review it. It' ll announce its final verdict on Tuesday.

The result is available on the British council site and is delivered to all schools in Pakistan. 
We observed many students overjoyed with grades and sharing it on social media. At sides, there are a large number of students who are not satisfied with the grades and complaining. Cambridge students held a protest against unfair results in Islamabad. A time of feeling high and low at the same time is evident among Pakistani students after the result.

The Cambridge May/June exams were canceled due to COVID 19 holidays and the result was left on teachers' predictions and school records. Many students were already promoted and started new sessions. 

Cambridge result conflicts, protest Pakistan
Cambridge board examined the teacher provided grades and the final result was issued after calculating by prescribed formulas on 12th August 2020. It is also a deep concern of Cambridge students that teacher provided grades are "downgraded" or "ignored" before finalizing the Cambridge result. 

Many students in Pakistan have shown serious concerns after getting lower grades than they were expecting to achieve.  The results of the English language, Pakistan studies, Islamiyat, and Math have really disappointed the students. They accuse Cambridge for not giving them any benefit of the situation and for calculating the results in a biased way.

Abdullah Kareem, an A level student, told that Cambridge told them the expected result will be based on O level result and mid-term. I got 11 A* in O levels. I had been an outstanding student throughout A levels. My expected result was 2 A* and 2 As but I got 1 A, 2 B, and 1 C grade. I never went below A grade in my life and now I'm witnessing C. This is so frustrating for me.'

Shahid Inaam from renowned school also protested on the unfair results of Cambridge.

'This time Cambridge asked for school percentages and ranking instead of grades. My school percentage was 86%. My expected result was 1 A*, 2 As and 1 B. I can't digest that I've been allotted 1 A, 1C, 1 D and 1 E grade.'

'You know if I would appear in the exam, then definitely get A* in Math, but I just finished with A grade. I'm not happy at all as my school result was excellent in mid-term and my expected grade was A* but I know, I've no option other than to accept this,' Aliya Rehman, an O level student told.
Cambridge University needs to solve the issue to soothe the frustration of many young in Pakistan. School teachers are also worried about the disappointed grades of their students.

A protest against unfair CAIE Cambridge results was recorded at Blue Area Islamabad. Many students came out and requested the authorities to meet their concerns. They were protesting against unexpected lower and unfair grades in the exams. The O level and A level exam results are the most important results for any student which actually sets their future University admissions and career goals. These unfair results can ruin many future dreams and career options of many wards.

Protest against O level result

Cambridge and the office of qualification and examination regulations OFQUAL said that schools would be able to appeal if they were expecting a different pattern of grades, but OFQUAL will not allow any individual complaints. It means that if some students have concerns about their IGCSE result 2020, then students can ask through their respected school. No individual complaints will be entertained to look upon IGCSE results of 2020. Students are asked to re-appear in the next Cambridge exam to improve their grades if they're not satisfied with the result.

Federal education minister, upon finding many parents and students complaining about unfair and low grades in Cambridge result 2020, has tweeted that 

'I have received many complaints about unfair grading and have conveyed to Cambridge the concerns of students. I hope CAIE will look into it and take remedial measures.'

Shafqat mehmood tweet on Cambridge result

Provincial education minister Murad Raas also raised voice on the unfair result of the Cambridge result and have consoled parents and students to go after the issue until it is resolved. 

' To all the O level, A level students and their parents. 
CAIE has been completely unfair to our children. Right now I am requesting Cambridge to fix the problem. If they don't, I' ll go after them everything possible. I'm standing with our children. 
Further, he tweeted that, 

'Approximately, 125, 000 students and 75,000 students cost O level Rs 16,000 per subject and A level Rs 19,000 per subject. Do the Math. To give the grades that have been given by CAIE & charge our students again will be Highway Robbery.'

The result is based on previous records of students as formal exams couldn't hold due to COVID 19 lockdown school holidays. 

The Cambridge system is being more popular in Pakistan in recent years. Parents deposit high exam and paper fees to make their kids appear in the exam. Also, many students put the utmost effort into the final term to get higher grades so the grades based on the previous records have left many questions. Many parents and students seem to in denial that this year was different, the exam was different and so the result is different.

If you also are a victim of unfair Cambridge results then tell us on our contact us page below. comment


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