
Sunday, 13 September 2020

Pubjab issued school reopen, timetable notice




Dated Lahore, the 12th September, 2020



1. Director Public Instructions (SE/EE), Punjab, Lahore.

2. All the Chief Executive Officers (DEAs),  Punjab.


Keeping in view the prevailing situation, following school re-opening schedule alongwith academic time table shall be observed in Schools in Punjab with effect from 15.09.2020 unless modified otherwise.

School Re-opening schedule


Grade-9 to Grade-12 15th Se tember 2020

Grade 6 to Grade-8 23 rd Se tember 2020

Grade 1 to Grade-5 30th Se tember 2020

Academic Activities Schedule

After re-opening, the Chief Executive Officers (DEAs) shall ensure school's opening and closing schedule alongwith academic time table in Punjab w.e.fø the dates as mentioned above unless modified otherwise. All the SOPs already conveyed vide letter No.SO(A-I)1-31/2008 dated 13.08.2020 will be followed in letter and spirit. Following directions are needed to be kept in consideration while planning teaching learning activities:

 As academic session 2020-21 is reduced to almost half as compared to normal academic calendar, accordingly the whole syllabus is reduced by 40% to be covered in the formative and summative assessments during the session.

ii. The Chief Executive Officers in consultation with District QAEDs, are required to devise grade specific customized framework of action in line with guidelines issued inclusive of reduced syllabi for current academic session.

iii. All Public and Private Schools shall divide the students into two equal groups (class wise) i.e. Group-A & Group-B and concerned monitoring officers shall be updated accordingly about the said division of students. The District Education Officer concerned Will keep compiled data for inspection of monitoring committees (constituted earlier regarding Covid-19).

 The first group/Group-A shall attend school on Monday, Wednesday and Friday as per re-opening schedule given above in a week for

academic activities and second group/Group-B shall attend school on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday in the same week and so on.

 The time table below shall be observed for both groups with prescribed study hours during a day.

vi. The Private Educational Institutions may be given liberty to manage their own calendar by observing the SOPs in this regard under the close monitoring of concerned Chief Executive Officer/DEA.

Time Table


This is a tentative timetable and subject to change with evolving better situation in the count

15th September,

2020 to onward Even days of (six days) a week 7:30 AM to 1:00 PM

(Without recess and Morning Assembly) Group-A

Odd days of (six days) a week 7:30 AM to 1:00 PM

(Without recess and Morning Assembly) Group-B

Note: it is clarified that time table ibid. will be observed accordingly for class 6 to 8 and 1 to 5 from 23 rd September, 2020 and 30th September, 2020 respectively, unless modified under the directions of Government.

vii. Each school will display outside:-

i) The school Gate:

  Date  (today)

  Total number of enrolled students in

a) Class 

b) Section 

  Total number of class rooms.

  Total number of students present  ii) The class room:

  Date  (today)

 Total number of students enrolled in

a) Class 

b) Section 

  Total number of students present 

(Muh mad Issa ali)



1. All Heads of attached / autonomous organizations of School Education Department.

2. Additional Secretary (Staff) to Chief Secretary, Punjab.

3. All Deputy Commissioners / Chairman, DEAs, in Punjab.

4. All Directors of Education (SE/EE) in Punjab.

5. PSO to Minister, School Education Department.

6. PS to Secretary School Education Department.

7. All Monitoring teams, DEAs in Punjab.


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