
Saturday, 17 October 2020



MEASUREMENTS 1.2 Supplementary units (Radian, Steradian) 1.8 Precision and accuracy 1.9 Dimensions of physical quantities. 

02. VECTORS AND EQUILIBRIUM 2.6 Addition of vectors by rectangular components. 2.7 Product of vectors. 2.9 Torque 2.10 Equilibrium. 2.11 Conditions of equilibrium. 

03. FORCES AND MOTION 3.8 Linear momentum. 3.9 Collisions 3.11 Projectile Motion.

 04. WORK AND ENERGY 4.1 Work done by a constant force, work done by a variable force. 4.2 Work done in a gravitational field. 4.6 Absolute Potential energy. 4.7 Escape velocity. 

05. ROTATIONAL AND CIRCULAR MOTION 5.1 Angular Motion 5.2 Relation between angular and linear quantities. 5.3 Centripetal Force and Centripetal Acceleration 5.4 Torque and moment of inertia. 5.5 Angular momentum and torque. 5.6 Conversation of Angular Momentum 5.7 K.E of rotation. 5.8 Rolling of a Disc and hoop down the inclined plane.

 06. FLUID DYNAMICS 6.1 Viscous Fluids 6.2 Fluid Friction and Stoke’s Law 6.3 Terminal Velocity 6.4 Equation of continuity.

 07. OSCILLATIONS 7.4 Circular motion and S.H.M. 7.5 Simple Pendulum. 7.7 Resonance 7.9 Phase 7.10 Damped Oscillations 11

 08. WAVES 8.4 Speed of sound. 8.8 Beats 8.9 Reflection of Waves and Phase Change 8.10 Stationary Waves. 8.11 Transverse Stationary waves in a stretched string. 8.13 Resonance of air column and organ pipes. 8.14 Doppler effect.

 09. PHYSICAL OPTICS 9.3 Huygen’s Principle. 9.4 Coherent Sources. 9.5 Interference of Light. 9.8 Michelson’s interferometer. 9.9 Diffraction of Light 9.10 Diffraction at a Single Slit 9.11 Diffraction grating. 9.12 Diffraction of x-rays by crystals. 9.13 Polarization of light, Applications of polarized light.

 10. THERMODYNAMICS 10.5 Thermodynamic System. 10.6 Reversible and Irreversible Processes 10.7 First law of thermodynamics. 10.8 Molar specific heat of a gas. 10.9 Heat engine. 10.10 Second law of thermodynamics. 10.11 Carnot heat engine. 10.13 Entropy.

 NOTE: All MCQs, short questions and problems relevant to the abovementioned topics are


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