
Saturday, 17 October 2020

ECONOMICS REDUCED SYLLABUS, CLASS 12 HSSC II online| fbise- BOARD EXAM 2021-fusion stories



Economics reduced syllabus for HSSC board exam 2021 has been uploaded on fbise website. You can also see online ECONOMICE reduced syllabus HSSC II here:


Economics reduced syllabus for HSSC II class 12 is given below:


I. National Income

1. G.N.P, N. N.P, GDP, National Income.

2. Methods of computing national income.

a. Product method.

b. Income methods.

c. Expenditure methods.

d. Circular flow diagram.

e. Concept of equilibrium MPC, MPS,

Y= C+S

Y = C+I

f. Income where S=I

II. Money

1. Barter system and its difficulties.

3. Definition of money.

4. Functions of money.

5. Kinds of money.

6. Instruments of money (credit cards, ATM Traveler Cheques).

7. Demand for and supply of money.

8. Value of money.

9. Quantity theory of money (fisher’s equation).

III. Banks

i. Definition of Bank.

ii. Kinds and functions of Banks

iii. Commercial Banks and their functions with particular reference to credit


iv. Definition of interest.

v. Interest free Banking in Pakistan.

IV. Public Finance

1. Public vs Private finances.

2. Public revenue and tax culture.

i. Tax and non-Tax revenue.

ii. Principals of taxation.

iii. Kinds of taxation.

a. Direct and indirect tax.

b. Progressive and proportionalPART-B


VI. Introduction to Pakistan Economy

1. Agriculture Sector.

2. Trade and Industrial Sector.

VII. National Income of Pakistan

1. Its size and sectoral contribution.

2. Difficulties in measurement.

3. Causes of low per capita income.

4. Tax culture

VIII. Economic Development and Planning

1. Concept of economic development.

2. Problems of under development.

3. Factors influencing development.

4. Quality of life (living standard) with reference to Pakistan.

6. Importance and problems in agricultural and industrial sectors of Pakistan and

their solution.

7. Development of Industries.

X. Banking in Pakistan

a. Commercial Banks and their functions.

b. Role of banking system in economic development.

c. State Bank of Pakistan its functions and importance.

XII. Foreign Trade of Pakistan

1. Major exports of Pakistan.

2. Major Imports of Pakistan

3. Balance of payments position of Pakistan.

XIII. Economic System of Islam

 9. Comparison between capitalism, socialism and Islamic System.

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