
Saturday, 17 October 2020


  HSSC PSYCHOLOGY REDUCED SYLLABUS, CLASS 11 & CLASS 12 is uploaded on fbise website. You can also check & share reduced Psychology syllabus online here: 



I. Introduction to Psychology

1. Introduction Meaning and Definition of psychology as science of Behavior and

mental processes

2. Goals of psychology

3. Clinical psychology

5. Educational Psychology

6. Environmental psychology

8. Business Psychology

II. Methods of Research

1. Meaning and significance of research

2. Types of Research:

 i. Observation Method

 ii. Experimental Method

 iv. Case – study Method. Advantages

III. Nervous System and Behaviour

1. Meaning & relationship with behaviour

2. Neuron

3. Structure and Function of main parts of Brain

IV. Sensation and Perception

1. Brief introduction of sensation

2. Anatomy of the Eye

3. Anatomy of Ear

 Gestalt laws of perceptual organization.

1. Depth & Distance.

2. Movement. Monocular cues for depth (only 3 cues Inter position, Linear

perspective, Shadow) perception Binocular Cues for depth (only 2 cues)

perception. Definition. Kinds of Illusion.

V. Learning and Remembering

1. Definition of learning

2. Basic Principles of learning

3. i. Conditioning ii. Classical iii. Operant

4. Definition of Memory

i. Sensory, Memory ii. Short-term Memory

iii. Long-term Memory

5. Measuring Memory

 i. Recognitions Method

 ii. Recall Method

 iii. Saving Method

 iv. Method of Rearrangement


VI. Motivational Behaviour

1. Definition

2. How they direct our Behavior

3. Primary motives (unlearned/ Physiological)

4. Hunger, thirst, temperature, Sex, Maternal

11. Elements affecting Motivation

VII. Personality

1. Definition

 i. Introvert, Extrovert & Ambivert

ii. Freudian theory

3. Objective types:

i. Questionnaire, Interview

ii. MMPI

iii. Projective techniques

vi. TAT, Rorschach Inkblot

VIII. Emotional Behaviour

1. Meaning and definition

3. James-Lange theory (Feelings are physical)

4. Cannon – bard theory (Feelings are cognitive)

5. Role of Learning and Environment in emotion

IX. Higher Cognitive Process

1. Meaning & definition of cognition

2. Intelligence, General or specific Abilities

4. Stanford-Binate intelligence Scale, WAIS, WISE Army Alpha and Beta


6. Cognitive operations in problem solving

i. Discussion ii. Brain Storming iii. Cooperative Learning


 Developmental Psychology 1. Definition of Growth, Development and Maturation Difference between above mentioned terms: a. Piaget’s theory of cognitive development (Brief Introduction) b. Eriksson’s psychosocial theory-of-development (Brief introduction) c. Kahlberg’s theory of moral development (Brief introduction) d. Physical development (Brief Introduction). II. Psychology of Health 1. Definition of Health and adjustment 2. Different viewpoints of Mental Health 3. Muslim point of views of Mental health, Imam Ghazali, Maulana Ashraf Ali Thanvi. 4. Difference between Normal and Abnormal Behavior 5. Sources of stress, conflict, life Events, and Pressure & environmental conditions a. Anxiety Disorders b. Schizophrenia i. Definition, General Symptoms. Kinds; Disorganized. Catatonic. Paranoid c. Eating Disorders i. Eating as a disorder, suggestions for improving Eating Habits ii Right Eating iii. Exercising iv. Advices by the Doctors for Eating III. Social Psychology 1. Meaning & definition 2. Elements of Socialization 3. Socialization and Peer Group Family influence on Socialization i. Antisocial Behavior iii. Drug Addiction v. Prejudice vi. Sexual Harassment 4. Definition, Attitude formation 5. Attitude change, Measurement of Attitude IV. Guidance and Counseling 1. Meaning and difference of Guidance and counseling 2. Principles of Guidance Psychoanalysis P.C.T. (Person Centered Techniques) 108 


Blind Spot 2. Muller-type-Illusion 3. Effect of Suggestion on Perception 6. Problem solving 7. Measurement of Memory by Recall Methods 9. Practical Journal & Viva Voce 10. STATISTICS i. Tabulation of Data ii. Graphic Presentation of Data a. Frequency Histogram b. Frequency Polygon c. Frequency Curve iii. Measures of Central Tendency of groups X, Un-Grouped Data a. Arithmetic Mean b. Median c. Mode



To curtail the study loss and pressure on students due to coronavirus long break, Federal Board of education fbise has reduced syllabus OF ALL SCIENCE & ARTS SUBJECTS and has uploaded to website. The syllabus can be downloaded from fbise official website or the students of class 12 can see the syllabus online from here. One thing is important to mention that paper pattern and scheme of studies will remain same for board exam to be conducted in May/June 2021. All chapters and topics are given here to benefit the students.


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