
Thursday, 10 December 2020

Monthly or Weekly internet packages: Which is economical for you


Are you confused between subscribing to monthly or weekly internet packages? And thinking which is better for you economically. 

A best internet package is that gives you peak internet in low balance. 

Users now search for mobile packages that have more internet overlooking on net and off net minutes and number of free sms. As an economical continuous internet gives you the comfort of WhatsApp calling, messaging, socializing, live streaming, and online classes. 

There are many weekly and monthly internet packaged offered by mobile companies but we'll tell you most economical of that.

JAZZ weekly and JAZZ monthly internet

 Jazz Monthly and weekly internet Package comparison:

Jazz offers weekly internet

Charge: Rs 270
Internet: 24 GB
On net minutes: Nil
Of net minutes: Nil
Validity: 7 days
How to subscribe: *70#

Jazz Monthly internet package:
Charge: Rs 600
Internet: 12 GB
Validity : 30 days
How to subscribe: *117*30#


Here we'll tell you the weekly and monthly Ufone internet packages cost and GB comparison so that you can enjoy more internet without spending extra pennies.
Ufone internet package

First, start with Ufone's most popular Supercard plus offer that is valid for 1 month after recharge of Rs 999.

The internet is just 5GB (day & night) plus unlimited Facebook.

Now come to Ufone super card which is valid for one month after recharge Rs 599. The internet offered is 2 GB.

Ufone weekly internet package
Recharge: Rs 175 
 validity: 7 days.

Internet:  6GB
3GB at day + 3GB ( 1 AM-8AM)

Dail *260# to subscribe

So when we compare Ufone weekly & Ufone monthly internet packages then the Weekly package appears more economical. It gives you 24 GB of internet for the whole month charging Rs 700.


Zong most economical weekly internet package
Recharge: 250
Internet: 24GB
Validity : 7 days
How to subscribe: *70#

Zong most economical monthly

 internet package:

Recharge: Rs 500
Internet: 5GB
Validity: 30 days

 We' be observed that weekly internet packages give you more internet than monthly packages with minor difference of cost.

The only hassle in the weekly internet package is to recharge the balance weekly. This hassle can be settled if you have a good retailer or have facility of online recharge.

And one thing more mobile internet can be used on other devices turning on hotspot on mobile. 

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