'Wahid' is called 'singular' and 'jamma' is called 'plural' in English. Here is a list of Urdu Singular and plural that starts from alif and alif mad aa. Here we also have given the singular plural in roman Urdu, so that students know pronunciation of given Urdu words.
" ا" اور "آ" سے شروع ہونے والے واحد جمع
اسلوب اسالیب
'Asloob' plural is 'asaalib'
امر امور
'Amar' plural is 'amoor'
امام آئمہ
'Imam' plural is 'Ayema'
اسم اسماء
'Ism' plural is 'Asmaa'
اب آباء
'Ab' plural is 'abaa'
امت امم
'Umat' plural is 'umam'
آخر اواخر
'Akhir' plural is 'awakhir'
آیت آیات
'Ayat' plural is 'ayaat'
افق آفاق
',ufaq' plural is 'aafaq'
اقللیم اقالیم
'Aqleem' plural is 'aqaaleem'
اکبر اکابر
'Akbar' plural is 'akaabir'
ادیب ادبا
'Adeeb' plural is 'adbaa'
الم آلام
'Alam' plural is ''aalam'
اختراع اختراعات
'Ikhtra' plural is 'ikhtrat'
اشارہ اشارات
'Ishara' plural is 'isharat'
آفت آفات
'Afat' plural is 'afaat'
استا د اساتذہ
'Ustaad' plural is 'asatza'
امیر امرا
'Ameer' plural is 'umraa'
ادب آداب
'Adab' plural is 'aadab'
اثر اثرات
'Asar' plural is 'asraat'
اول اوائل
'Awal' plural is 'awail'
آلہ آلات
'Aala' plural is 'aalat'
Students should memorize and do written practice all Urdu singular plural to avoid any mistake in exams. The singular plural starting with other Urdu haroof e tahaji is also given at other posts. If you don't find what are you looking for, write your word in the search box on this page to find your query.