
Friday, 9 July 2021

Choose Science Group in Matric-Why parents to pressurize children irrespective of their interests



Every parent wants to opt science group for their child irrespective of the student's capabilities and interests at The matric level. Parents pressurize the school administration to let their child sit in the science section or even change the school to get along if the school has certain merit for the science group option. They think the humanities or arts group is inferior and of no use when it comes to practical life.  Also, many parents think that opting for a science group at matric ensures a fruitful career and a secure future. Many weak students stuck at Matric and compartment exams later.

Teenage students also feel under pressure seeing their parents striving for science groups. They are also not sure, what to choose!  Many of them have not been best in science subjects till grade 8, couldn't compete in the ratified system to reach up to merit but even then, no one implores their choice and interests.

The main reason for pressurizing the children to choose for science group is inadequate and outdated elective subject list at matric board exam. There is a huge gap between science and humanities group standards.

Which subject should I choose at matric

Here it is important to mention that O level, a counterpart study system of matric through any education board in Pakistan offers a business group consisting of Economics, business, and related subjects that are missing in the list of government schools or Matric board elective subject list for the students. O level list of elective subjects is full of updated and interesting subjects.

These O-level teenagers also bear the pressure of parents to put up with science groups but they convince their parents and of course society by choosing alternate decent and career-oriented subjects from the provided list.

Another reason for parents to pressurize the children to opt for science groups at matric is a lack of sufficient career counseling. We hardly see any career counseling sessions in government schools that cater to a large chunk of matric board students. It's not students but parents who are also unaware that what career choices their kids left if they choose the humanities group at the matric level. They all don't or can't make their children doctor and engineer but what else left for them, no one advises or suggest.

He/she can be an army officer, a bureaucrat, a lawyer, a professor, a psychologist, and many other lucrative fields still exist for students passes matric with humanities, need to tell the parents and students. 

Science or Arts which group should I choose

Yes, you can make money and get respect in society choosing humanities group too. 

Choosing the right subject at the metric level is very important as it sets the marks for your all life future goals. It can take or drag the students from their studies. In Pakistan, where parents already hardly afford children's education expenses, much of the youth waste time in infective activities becomes more important to let the children go with their chosen subjects. Let them get degrees and excel in the subject of their choice. Many students if pass a matric exam with fewer marks, then they are not able to complete

 college in time.

'I want to study arts, home economics, Dress designing...,'

'What! Do you want to become a tailor, a mechanic.? Are you looking to ruin hard-earned income...,'

'I find Physics and Chemistry difficult...,'

No parent care for it. They dream of their child as a future doctor and engineer, a science teacher only. For them, choosing an arts or humanities group is closing the door of all careers. The pressure is immense on boys.
It's good if your child has an interest in any of science group, he/she can take the pressure of hard study, and you can provide all help as extra coaching and study material then of course, as a parent, there should not be second thought on choosing the science group.

But if you pressurize them to choose the difficult subjects that are above their understanding level then it will take them away from studies.

Numerous people around us chose arts groups at matric level and they are enjoying higher status and good earning after passing CSS, forces, law, or government job exams. Yes, there are careers with arts or humanities subjects too. The real thing is hard work and hard work only pays if done in the right direction.

Check out list of all elective subjects at Matric 

I know a student who was failed in three subjects in the matric science group. He had to give all exams again. This time his parents told him to study from Urdu medium books but he failed again.
On suggesting an arts group for his son, the father got angry. He was ok even his son come out with lower grades.

Passing a matric exam with good marks taking humanities is far better than passing in third division taking science group.

Our teenagers are smart enough to know their capabilities.  Our parents should understand, if they let their children choose the subject of their choice then they will excel in it. The practical field is full of opportunities if anyone into it.

The time to watch a doctor, engineer, or banker as an only beneficial career is expired now. The sky is the limit if someone wants to put a career in arts subjects.
A professional degree in any career opens up doors towards success and a secure future.

The Science group in matric mainly includes two combinations of three subjects that are mainly offered at the start of grade 9  for the two-year matric program.
One combination includes: Physics, Chemistry, and Biology
2nd combination includes: Physics, Chemistry, Computer Science

The first science group mainly leads towards the career of medicine and the science group with computer science opened up towards engineering, and many other careers.

All students with Science group have to study Mathematics as a compulsory subject.

Along with the above two science groups, students in government schools are offered a list of elective subjects that make a humanities or arts group. There are also a few specific subjects for boys and girls separately. An easy Math, General Math is offered in the humanities group.

Many schools taking into consideration of grade 7 and grade 8 results along with students throughout performance set their merits for science groups. It can be from 60%-70% mainly.

Wise thinking suggests that students and parents should choose the subjects according to the interest and learning level of students and parents should not pressurize the children for taking science subjects.

List of elective subjects

Also see: How to become an astronaut in Pakistan 


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