
Monday, 23 August 2021

How to make kids jholi at home? Know Jholi cradle in Pakistan snd India

 How to make kids Jholi? Jholi cradle in Pakistan and India

How to make kids jholi using charpai in India Pakistan

Jholi is one type of traditional cradle used in Pakistan and India where mothers keep their little babies. Jholi is thought to work perfect for the babies who cry a lot or don't sleep well. Jholi is more popular and commonly used in ruler areas but many mothers also use it at cities. They keep on swinging the jholi that baby fall asleep comfortably in a jholi. Nowadays many mothers don't know to make a perfect jholi for their kids.Here we will tell you what is jholi cradle and how to make it or tie it.

  • Take one cotton or lawn long rectangular piece. The cotton stuff is breadthable and comfortable. The fabric should be new that it dont tear when you put baby in the jholi. You can double fold the lawn or cotton duppata lengthwise.It will give strength to your jholi. 
  • Now you need a charpai to tie the jholi. 
How to make jholi

  •  Tie one side of cloth at one corner and other to another side at one edge of charpai. 
  • A perfect jholi is ready. 
Now put your baby in jholi and swing it using hands or tie jholi with rope from one side like I showed in the image. 
Your child will sleep comfortably in the jholi. Make sure your child has enough air from all sides. In hot, jholi should be near fan. 
I hope, now the mothers who are worried of their kids crying and sleeplessness will try jholi for their kid. 

Don't want to make jholi then search and buy it home like ready made jholi on 70% discount from Daraz. Pk from Here. 


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