
Friday 6 August 2021



I think I just heard Mother Nature cry

Or was it one more broken, falling tree?

You’d think we’d learn as time goes speeding by


They tell us there’s big hole in the sky

We won’t believe in something we can’t see

I think I just heard Mother Nature cry


Coal-fired chimneys reaching up so high

Even though the solar power’s free

You’d think we’d team as time goes speeding by,


We develop rocket ships that fly,

But still can’t stop pollution of the sea,

I think I just heard Mother Nature cry


Headlines: one more species set to die

Keep it quiet…use diplomacy

You’d think we’d learn as time goes speeding by


Worry on the future? Pass it by!

How can preservation start with me?

I think I just heard Mother Nature cry

You’d think we’d learn as time goes speeding by


About the poet

Graeme King was born in Melbourne, Australia. He started poetry at the age of 10. He was an outstanding student. He attended Ivanhoe grammar school on a full scholarship. The scholarship was awarded after knowing his writing work at primary level.

He also wrote full-length musical comedy. He worked at Papua New Guinea for six years. He also visited USA, Asia and Indonesia. Now he’s living in outback Queensland. He has been writing constantly. His notable publications are:

  • Mood swings
  • Across the long bridge
  • The blind man’s rainbow
  • Rhyme and reason


Man has heartless and indifferent attitude of man towards nature and environment


Humans should think and work on the problem of global warming and environmental destruction that is caused by their apathetic attitude.



The poet “Graeme King” talks about the unkind behavior of man towards environment and nature. The poem is symbolic where nature is crying just like a mother on the destruction of environment due to human activities. Man’s cutting of trees has created hole in the ozone layer but he doesn’t believe in this. The man uses coal as a fuel even when solar energy is free and safe. Advanced countries send rockets to the moon and other planets but can’t stop pollution at sea. He also discusses the humans’ indifferent behavior about the extinction of animals. Man remains quiet and does nothing even after hearing the news about extinction of an animal. At the end, poet describes, how man absolve himself of responsibility. A man thinks: why should I worry about the future of the world because I will not be here at that time. He thinks that he’ll learn as the time passes but it’ll be of no use then.

Rhyming scheme

There are five tercet( a set or group of three lines of verse rhyming together or connected by rhyme with an adjacent triplet.) and one quatrain(four line stanza).


Symbolic: Nature is crying like a mother.


Question Answers

Q. what does this poem show about the attitude of man in general regarding nature and environment?

Ans. Humans are damaging the environment but not ready to take responsibility.


Explanation, Paraphrasing: Tercet (Stanza) 1

The poet here draws the attention towards cutting of trees. Poet is able to feel and listen the crying of nature whenever any tree is cut down. Trees clean, and protect the nature and Mother Nature is crying when trees fall down. Humans show careless attitude on cutting of trees. Poet says that human will understand as the time passes or they’ll know the importance of trees.

Explanation Stanza 2

The poet points towards the scientific evidence of hole in the ozone layer of earth that is protecting us from the sun’s ultraviolet rays. Poet is disappointed that even now human don’t believe in it as they cannot see the hole with their eyes. They continue to destroy the nature and making the Mother Nature cry.

Explanation of Stanza 3

The poet points out towards coal chimneys that are producing carbon dioxide on burning. This is polluting the air. These chimneys could be used with solar energy that is free but we don’t care for it. Poet again says that human will learn the consequences of his actions to destroy the land as the time will pass. They think they would handle it but it’ll not possible then.

Explanation of Stanza 4

The poet talks about the development of human in the field of science that it has made the rocket ships that take him to space. Advanced countries are sending rockets to the moon and other planets but they’re unable to stop the sea pollution. They should spend and work on the safety of environment more than of making rocket ships. They think that they would learn with time but it’ll be of no use then.

Explanation of Stanza 5

The poet describes the indifferent attitude of humans when they listen at the headlines about the extinction of animals but don’t care of it. Man prefers to keep quiet on this issue and doesn’t talk about the reasons behind the extinction of animals as somewhere he’s responsible of it. We don’t care of environmental problems around us. We think that we would learn with time but it’ll be of no use then.

Explanation of Stanza 6

At last, poet enforces us to care about the nature. The quatrain talks about the mindset of general public who thinks that why would we care for environment when we’ll pass by, we’ll not be a part of future. He doesn’t take the responsibility. His behavior is careless towards maintaining and protection of nature that why Mother Nature cry. Humans think they would learn with time but it’ll be of no use for them.

mother nature cry summary, theme, paraphrasing

