
Wednesday, 20 July 2022

National professional Standards for teachers in Pakistan online & download

Professional Standards for Initial 

Preparation of Teachers in Pakistan

National professional standards teachers pakistan

Standard 1: Subject matter knowledge

Standard 2: Human growth and development

Standard 3: Knowledge of Islamic ethical values/social life skills

Standard 4: Instructional planning and strategies

Standard 5: Assessment. 

Standard 6: Learning environment

Standard 7: Effective communication and proficient use of information communication 


Standard 8: Collaboration and partnerships

Standard 9: Continuous professional development and code of conduct

Standard 10: Teaching of English as second/foreign language (ESL/EFL)

Composition of Professional Standards

Each standard has 3 parts

a. Knowledge and Understanding (Content)

What teacher knows

b. Dispositions

Behaviors, attitude and values

c. Performances (Skills)

What teacher can do and should be able to do

Standard -1: Subject Matter Knowledge

Teachers understand the central concepts, tools of inquiry, structures of the discipline, 

especially as the!} relate to the National Curriculum/Content Standards, and design

developmentally appropriate learning experiences making the subject matter accessible and 

meaningful to all students.


Teachers know and understand

 The national curriculum framework, 

 The domain, basic concepts, theories, history, structure and process of acquiring 

knowledge of the subject they are going to teach.

 The evolving nature of the discipline or subject matter knowledge and the need for 

keeping abreast of new ideas and understanding of teaching the discipline.

 The new emerging concepts, theories, results of researches and latest trend at national 

and international levels.

 In depth knowledge of the subject matter and the relationship of that discipline to other 

continent areas. 

 The relationship of the subject to other disciplines and its usability in practical life. 

 The relationship of reading, writing and arithmetic principles to the domain.


Teachers value and are committed to:

 Facilitate through multiple ways in construction and acquiring knowledge to learners. 

 Make knowledge applicable to real world situation. 

 The diverse talents of all students a~1d helping them to develop self-confidence and 

subject matter competence

 The belief that all children and adolescents can learn at high levels and achieve success. 


Teachers demonstrate their knowledge and understanding through:

 Effectively explaining the content in multiple perspectives and relating all required 

structural component of the discipline. 

 Use of appropriate tools of inquiry according to the nature of the subject and content, 

considering students' prior knowledge. 

 Giving examples of application of the con ten t from practical life

Standard - 2: Human Growth and Development

Teachers understand how children and adolescents develop and learn in a variety of school,

family and community contexts and provide opportunities that support their intellectual, social, 

emotional and physical development.


Teachers know and understand:

 How student construct knowledge, acquire skills and develop habits of mind. 

 How student learning is influenced by individual experiences, talent and prior learning, as 

well as language, culture, family, and community values.

 How to identify developmental abilities of students, which may include learning 

differences, cultural and socio-emotional differences, special physical or emotional 

challenges and gifted and talented exceptionalities.

 Individual differences among students.

 Diverse style of learning. 

 Motivational strategies to achieve and excel.

 The processes and skills that help students to develop knowledge, skills and dispositions 

of reflective thinking and enable students to solve problems in classroom and out of the 



Teachers value and arc committed to:

 The educability of all children and adolescents. 

 The belief that all children and adolescents bring talents and strengths to learning. 

 Appreciate the multiple ways of knowing and thinking. 

 The diverse talents of all students and helping them to develop self-confidence and 

subject matter competence. 

 Treat all students equitably. 

 The belief that all children and adolescents can learn at high levels and achieve 



Teachers engage in activities to:

 Promote critical and creative thinking, problem-solving and decision-making skills by 

engaging students in formulating and testing hypotheses according to the methods of 

inquiry and standards of evidence within the discipline. 

 Apply learning theories to accommodate differences in student intelligence, perception, 

and cognitive style and achievement levels. 

 Evaluate teaching resources and curriculum materials for their completeness, accuracy 

and usefulness for representing particular ideas and concepts. 

 Foster cooperation and collaboration for collective problem solving. 

 Develop and demonstrate skills to use instructional technologies.

Standard -3: Knowledge of Islamic Ethical Values/Social Life Skills

Teachers understand the Islamic ethical values and practices in the light of Quran / Sunna 

and other religious contexts, and the implications of these values for bringing national and 

global peace, unity and social adjustment.


Teachers know and understand:

 The Islamic code of conduct (beliefs, prayers and ethics) in light of Quran and Sunnah 

(i.e. Maaroof (Good) and Munkir (Evil), equality, justice, brotherhood, balance, tolerance 

and peace). 

 The values which are globally accepted and are being promoted. 

 The present need of national/global peace, and the factors affecting peace and resulting 

in decline of the values and ethics.

 The negative impact of prejudice, discrimination, social class, gender, race and language 

on the moral development of students and society. 

 How these Islamic and universal ethical values are incorporated in learners' beliefs and 

practices to bring peace. 

 Essential principles of Islamic values in the texts books


Teachers value and are committed to:

 Bring awareness among people that 'Quran' and 'Sunna' is only the valid source for 

knowing about Islamic values in true sense.

 Respect for individual and cultural/religious differences, and appreciation of the basic 

worth of each individual and cultural/religious group.

 Tolerance and celebration of diversity

 Dialogue as a means to conflict resolution


Teachers engage in activities to:

 Create a learning community in which individuals and their opinions are respected. 

 Practice Islamic code of conduct by their own behaviors and guiding through a 

convincing dialogue with learners to value and practice the ethical and Islamic values. 

 Signify Islamic/Ethical values, and provide guidelines to clarify their use in internal and 

external discourses. 

 Practice Islamic teachings in classrooms and schools to prevent the misunderstandings 

that can lead to the mischaracterization and even demonization of Islam and other faiths. 

 Use knowledge of Islam taking into account issues of human rights, social class, gender, 

race, ethnicity, language, age and special needs. 

 Create a safe and secure learning environment. 

Standard-4: Instructional Planning and Strategies 

Teachers understand instructional planning, design long-term and short-term plans based 

upon knowledge of subject matter, students, community, curriculum goals, and employ a 

variety of developmentally appropriate strategies in order to promote critical thinking, problem 

solving and performance skills of all learners.


Teachers know and understand: 

 The aims, goals and objectives of education as well as of curriculum for specific subject 

and their importance in instructional planning. 

 Principles of acquisitions of reading, writing and arithmetic skills at different stages of 


 Availability of appropriate resources and materials for instructional planning including the 

use of instructional technology to promote students' attention and thinking. 

 To plan instructional strategies based on students' needs, development progress and 

prior knowledge. 

 Techniques for developing /modifying instructional method, materials and the 

environment to help all students learn

 A variety of instructional approaches and the use of various technologies, to promote 

thinking and understanding. 

 The effect of out of school activities including homework. 

 General methods of teaching and classroom management. 

 Special methods of teaching different discipline of knowledge.


Teachers value and are committed to: 

 Attain goals and objectives of the curriculum they are going to teach. 

 The development of students' critical thinking, independent problem-solving and 

performance capabilities. 

 Pedagogy of care, collaboration and cooperation. 

 Team-work and cooperative learning. 

 Multiple ways to solve problems.


Teachers engage in activities to: 

 Identify and design instruction appropriate to students' stage of development, learning 

styles, strengths and needs. 

 Plan instruction based on knowledge of classroom, school and community culture. 

 Evaluate teaching resources and curriculum materials for their comprehensiveness, 

accuracy and usefulness for representing particular ideas and concepts. 

 Plan homework and out of the class activities to accelerate, extend and consolidate 

students learning. 

 Identify strategies to create learning experiences that make subject matter meaningful for 

students, address a variety of learning styles, encourage students to pursue their 

interests and inquiries and help students connect their learning to personal goals. 

 Plan and develop effective lessons by organizing instructional activities and materials, 

incorporating a wide range of community and technology resources, to promote 

achievement of lesson objectives. 

 Use formal and informal methods of assessment, information about students, 

pedagogical knowledge, and research as sources for active reflection, evaluation and 

revision of practice. 

 Create interdisciplinary learning experiences that allow students to integrate knowledge, 

skills and methods of inquiry from several subject areas.

Standard - 5: Assessment 

Teachers assess students' learning using multiple assessment strategies and interpret results 

to evaluate and promote students' achievement and to modify instruction in order to foster the 

continuous development of students. 


Teachers know and understand: 

 Different types of assessments (for example, criterion-referenced and norm-referenced 

instruments, traditional standardized and performance- based tests, observation systems 

and assessments of student work) for evaluating how students learn, what they know and 

are able to do, and what kinds of experiences will support their further growth and 


 The results of assessment to evaluate and improve teaching and learning. 

 Measurement theory and assessment-related issues, such as validity, reliability, bias and 

scoring concerns.


Teachers value and are committed to: 

 The belief that students' learning outcomes are the basis for growth and the deficiencies 

are opportunities for learning. 

 Fair, objective assessment and reporting to students and families. 

 Become astute observers of student performance and provide constructive feedback. 


Teachers engage in activities to:

 Develop and use teacher made tests for continuous internal evaluation of student 

performance and skills at different stages of the academic program. 

 Analyze student performance using multiple sources of data, and to modify future plans 

and instructional techniques that promote desired student learning outcomes. 

 Provide students with constructive feedback on their learning and encourage them to use 

data and self-assessment strategies to monitor their progress toward achieving personal 


 Accurately document and report assessment data and ongoing student achievement to 

parents and professional staff. 

 Enhance their knowledge of learners and evaluate students' progress and performance 

using a variety of formal and informal assessment techniques to modify teaching and 

learning strategies. 

 Help students engage in objective self-assessment. 

 Develop and use objective assessment tools to measure student progress. 

 Promote opportunities for students to engage in self assessment activities. 

Standard-6: Learning Environment 

Teachers create a supportive, safe and respectful learning environment that encourages 

positive social interaction, active engagement in learning and self-motivation.


Teachers know and understand: 

 How learning takes place in classrooms. 

 The principles and strategies of effective classroom management that promote positive 

relationships, cooperation and purposeful learning activities in the classroom. 

 How the classroom environment influences learning and promotes positive behavior for 

all students. 

 How classroom participation supports student commitment to learning. 


Teachers value and are committed to: 

 The role of students in promoting each other's learning and recognizes the importance of 

peer relationships in creating an ethical climate of learning.

 Taking responsibility for establishing a constructive and engaging climate in the 

classroom and participate in maintaining such a climate in the school as a whole. 

 l.lse democratic values in the classroom


Teachers engage in activities to: 

 Develop and share classroom management and discipline plan. 

 Maintain a learning community in which students assume responsibility for themselves 

and one another, participate in decision-making and work collaboratively and 


 Create a cooperative classroom climate for all students, by practicing effective listening 

and group facilitation skills. 

 Create a positive classroom climate which is socially, emotionally and physically safe. 

 Establish and maintain appropriate standards of competitive behavior. 

 Use instructional time effectively. 

 Prepare students' for and monitor independent and group work that allows for full and 

varied participation of all individuals. 

Standard -7: Effective Communication and Proficient Use of 

 Information Communication Technologies 

Teachers use knowledge of effective verbal, nonverbal and written communication 

techniques and tools of information processing to foster the use of inquiry, collaboration and 

supportive interactions with students and ·parents. Teachers are able to use instructional and 

information communication technologies for curriculum enrichment, instruction, assessment 

and evaluation of learning outcomes.


Teachers know and understand. 

 The importance of verbal, nonverbal and written communication in the teaching and 

learning process. 

 Operating and integrating technologies in classroom and laboratory activities. 

 Use of operating system and software for word processing, filing, research, data storage 

and presentation of information. 

 Use of computers as instructional, research and evaluation tool. 

 How to use available diverse technical tools (art work, videos, cameras, phones, 

computers, etc.) in their classrooms. 


Teachers value and arc committed to: 

 Appreciating the cultural dimension of communication, responding appropriately and 

seeking lo foster culturally sensitive communication by and among all students in the 


 Being a thoughtful and responsive listener. 

 Fostering diversity of opinions among students and celebrating it in the classroom. 

 Use all educational and informational technologies to enhance different aspect of 

teaching and learning


Teachers engage in activities to:

 Communicate clearly in Local Language/Urdu/ English using appropriate oral and written 


 Reading reflectively in Local Language/Urdu/ English. 

 Model effective communication strategies and questioning techniques in conveying ideas 

and stimulating critical thinking. 

 Communicate in a variety of ways that demonstrate a sensitivity to cultural, linguistic, 

gender and social differences. 

 Foster accurate reporting and sharing of facts, opinions and beliefs. 

 Design and use student report cards. 

 Incorporate up-to-date information in lesson plans. 

 Use diverse databases to supplement textbooks. 

 Develop students' portfolios, test items, assignments and assessment through 


Standard - 8: Collaboration and Partnerships 

Teachers build relationships with parents, guardians, families and professional organizations 

in the community to support student learning.


Teachers know and understand: 

 The importance of effective school/home interactions that contributes to high-quality 

teaching and learning. 

 The role of the school within the community and how to utilize partnerships to contribute 

to student learning and development. 

 Different approaches to collaborate effectively with parents, professionals and 



Teachers value and are committed to:

 Recognizing the role of parents, guardians and other family members as a child's 


 Being concerned about all aspects of the student's well-being and workingwith 

parents/families to provide opportunities for student success. 

 Being willing to work with parents/families and other professionals to improve the overall 

learning environment for students. 

 Facilitate intellectual, physical and ethical development of students through cooperative 

learning and interaction with community institutions. 


Teachers engage ill activities to:

 Identify and utilize family and community resources to foster student learning and provide 

opportunities for parents to share skills and talents that enrich learning experiences.

  Establish respectful and productive relationships and to develop cooperative partnerships 

with diverse families, educators and others in the community in support of student 

learning and wellbeing. 

 Institute parent/family involvement practices that support meaningful communication, 

parenting skills to strengthen the teaching and learning environment of the school. 

 Cultivate knowledge of the surrounding community to enrich lessons and projects of 


 Link schools with business, industry and community agencies. 

Standard-9: Continuous Professional Development and Code of Conduct 

Teachers participate as active, responsible members of the professional community, engage 

in reflective practices, pursuing opportunities to grow professionally and establish collegial 

relationships to enhance the teaching and learning process. They subscribe to a professional 

code of conduct.


Teachers know and understand: 

 The demands of a professional code of conduct. 

 How educational research and other methods of inquiry can be used as a means for 

continuous learning, self assessment and development. 

 How to be inventive and innovative about teaching practice. 

 How to develop and maintain a personal professional portfolio. 


Teachers value and arc committed to:

 Refining practices that address the needs of all students and the school/ community. 

 Professional reflection, assessment and learning as an ongoing process. 

 Collaborate with colleagues. 

 Share successful professional experiences with others. 

 Demonstrate professional ethics. 


Teachers engage in activities to:

 Use reflective practice and the Professional Development Standards to set goals for their 

professional development plans. 

 Learn through professional education organizations. 

 Make the entire school a productive learning climate through participation in collegial 


 Seek advice of others and draw on action research to improve teaching practice. 

 Uphold ethical behaviors in teaching, learning and assessment

Standard -10: Teaching of English as Second/Foreign Language (ESL/EFL) 

Teachers understand pedagogy of English as Second/Foreign language and effectively 

communicate in English language. 


Teachers know and understand: 

 Status of English Language in Pakistan. 

 Aims of teaching English as a subject at the national level.

 Aims of using English as medium of instruction in Pakistan. 

 Constraints of teaching English as second/foreign language and strategies to enhance 

"learning in English" and "learning of English as language". 

 Syntax and structure of English Language. 

 English Teaching methods and steps of learning process.

 Specific learning difficulties i.e. Second Language Impairment (SLI). 


Teachers value and arc committed to: 

 Lessen biases and anxiety for learning ESL/EFL. 

 Address all specific needs related to ESL/EFL. 


Teachers engage in activities to: 

 Use of simple English language along with supportive use of Urdu (national language) for 

effective teaching and learning purposes. 

 Identify, analyze and address Specific Learning Difficulties in English language. 

 Gradually enable students to communicate in English through a natural sequence of 


acquisition i.e. listening, reading, writing and speaking. 

 Provide classroom opportunities for choral reading, descriptive writing and spoken 


 Apply ESL/EFL learning theories, rules and pedagogy


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