
Wednesday, 30 January 2019

EP 14: AN UNWANTED FLIGHT| He got stuck at Pakistan and India rivalry, spy birds and crashed planes--FUSION STORIES




'Pakistan Army has smashed two Indian war planes while they violated its airspace and seized one Indian pilot live. Pakistan really provoke the shocking surprise at venue and time of its choice by coming to an end of its patience. The situation is escalating at both atomic neighbour countries by every second,' these headline news at all national and international channels were breaching its nerves.

'And also a suspicious, spy Siberian crane bird, wearing spy gadgets at its long and tiny legs has been seized near Rajasthan border, India. It suspected to enter from Pakistan with messages, code or visuals for terrorists.
  The farmers at village spotted the wary Siberian crane sleeping near tube well amid green fields and handed over this crane to police. After pigeons, now pakistan seemed to live by its wits using a spy siberian crane. It is now being investigated by professionals,' gnashing the teeth fuming headlines were playing drama on all Indian channels now. 

‘Hey, just ridiculous!' he held his head on twisting and slaying Indian media reporting.
 'Anything coming from Pakistan is not spy. It's your larger size, more wealth or just your arrogance that I can smell war hysteria everywhere in India without admitting the crucial results of any war at both sides.
 I’m duck, you silly goose. Instead your pilots should learn flying from me?' he got irritated. 

'Pakistan was constrained to smash two Indian war planes and to arrest one pilot live when you manufacture the situation by false inquiries and drama surgical strikes upon them. It's better for you to do some soul searching for sponsoring terrorism in their country for long,’ Siberian crane whooped infuriate but no one was there to understand at the whooping of arrested bird. 

'Siberian cranes and other migratory birds fly in flocks and mostly entered by Ganges flyway route. Why this fowl is flying alone?’ one of the policemen commented thoughtfully.

‘Siberian crane also entered from Indus fly zone by the way and I was looking for my friend Houbara bustard towards Balochistan but due to bad wind patterns, I couldn’t navigate right and turned towards east instead of west,’ crane  howled like jackal.
‘This ring is connected with GPRS system, which seem to be located at Lahore. Check this for any videos or messages. Pakistan can never meet its goals. It is escalating the situation by hitting Indian war planes and we've caught this bird to check any of its further intentions,’ one man cut off metal ring from cranes tiny leg and handed over to its assistant who was busy taking pictures.
siberia crane enter India from Pakistan
spy siberian crane with bird ring on leg 
‘Ah.... thank you so much for setting me free of this fatigue but you’ll find nothing from this bird ring but a drifting journey of vagabond friends which we started from Siberia. We were towards China but while

tasting apples from Kazakhstan, 

I landed on

landlocked caspian coast,Iran but then caught at 

war in Afghanistan.  

There I witnessed hunger, illiteracy, poverty and helplessness in the eyes of residents of war affected country. Barren childhood, uncertain youth   and gloomy old were urging for peace at every corner. It's easy to gear up the brawl but there is unexpected shuttering if you luckily find its end.  please say no to war,' the arrested bird plead.
After entering 

cozy wetlands of Pakistan, 

I thought it would be last but now clipping my wings at India, I'm not sure of my fate in India especially at this time.
 I’m sorry Zain and Yong I couldn’t hold this ring for you to assist you in your zoology project,’ crane felt relaxed and light after getting rid of bird ring.
‘Put this spy Siberian crane behind bars and clip it wings,’
‘What! If you’re putting me behind bars then why to clip my beautiful wings. This is hype of mirth or frightening; just puzzling from your enemy,’ crane resisted against of putting him in a big cage after clipping its wings.
‘I never wished to be internet star but if it happened then I should cooperate,’ crane look at the crowd gathered outside police station. Flash lights of Indian and international media and locals with smart phones turned him a ‘star of day’ at every channel. The situation was flaring up at India and Pakistan at every second. He could easily stare at many screens around him.

‘I wish my buddy Houbara Bustard at Pakistan and my family at China could spot me at TV,’ he peeped at the screen of laptop of smart Indian journalist. She was busy reporting live and side by side was posting latest news and videos on her social network through her laptop.
‘It’s not satire…I know these two nuclear power neighbor countries keep on detain spies at both sides and mostly they bear life imprisonment,’ that journalist was almost yelling on microphone.
'A life imprisonment! The night was dark and verve at police station went dull. Siberian crane went on many screening spy tests at upcoming days and stayed behind cage. The secret message was famous story of 
‘A crane and fox’ in urdu, 
which the young kid wrote at its wings while he was residing at Kheejar Lake, Pakistan and secret code which was found from bird ring was just the tight, tiring and exploratory flight schedule of migratory bird from Siberia till entering India. All hype drowned in calm after few days but he knew this mirth of catching 'spy fowls' will not halt. It was start of February now. The air and sun became milder.
 ‘In the vicinity of spring; my friends might be ready to fly back to Siberia to cheer and tweet at Lake Baikal. I know I can never turn back to glimpse a vivid sun crushing the snow at my hometown,’ Siberian crane felt poorly sick with sadness.
‘Nothing is found from this Crane but even then we can’t let it go. Put this at my vehicle. It’ll remain under my custody at marshy pond of my village. My grandfather, who worked for wildlife restoration, would be in high spirits to witness a crane at its village after long,’ a young officer ordered to his assistant.
In few seconds, one man held its cage and put it in an official jeep. Now the jeep was on its way amid crowded towns and lush green fields on both sides. After a long journey the vehicle stopped along a town at Punjab province of India. The light brown wheat fields were ready to ripe and large funnels were thawing sugarcanes to tasty ‘GUR’ and ‘ROW’ all around.

The jeep stopped by a big house in the town, which was decorated with lightning. It seemed that there was any wedding ceremony.
‘Now the real fun of wedding will start. Here comes the groom….,’the family welcomed the police officer excited.
‘Oh, what a beautiful Siberian crane! Is that the spy crane? Do you find something from here? It should be released with its friends at any of Ramsar site at India,’ a series of questions began instantly.
‘A Siberian crane…I longed to see this beautiful fowl grazing and gulping again at marshy wetlands of India. Why did you stop turning up here, dear?’ an elderly man came out of house and held the crane with affection.
 ‘There was time when stunning Siberian cranes and other migratory birds turned up here but now…I know why would you enter in here after bearing long tiring journey when due to pollution, Salinization of water and excessive construction, your habitats and wetlands are fading or destroying with time?’ he continued.
‘Don’t get worry, now this crane would live with us. I’ve taken the special authority letter,’ the young officer consoled his grandfather.
'No, my son, Spring is on go. It's time for him to fly back,' grandfather patted the crane.
'the situation is not calm at border. may be i would call back,' the officer gazed at lightning outside its house. 
'you're right. Festivity can only be celebrated in peace not under the umbrella of bombs. Both atomic countries should understand this. I wish everything goes well and you also celebrate your grandson's wedding like me,' grandfather hardly smiled.  
Few minutes later, the crane was set free in a big marshy pond near that village by grandfather where local cranes and waders were already swimming.
‘I hope you would not try to drift back,' the police officer again cut its wings.
'He can only fly to small distance at little height. I'm sorry but it is an order,' the police officer looked at his grandfather.
 'You can fly to my home to enjoy my wedding if  war doesn't affect it,' the young police officer waved the crane and left. 
‘What! This is our place and we can’t let this Siberian crane to stay here. It has to move back. Everyone is staring at you and talking about you all around,’ the local Indian cranes couldn’t put up with the envious feelings anymore as everyone at town was cherishing the newly arrived Siberian crane…

Link to first & all episodes: An unwanted flight: journey of two migratory birds

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