
Monday, 13 April 2020

LOVE AT LAHORE FORT- A short story- free online-fusion stories

 ‘Hey, an itinerant of Ravi… can you hear at me? I’m looking for someone to help me out of here. I’m sure my story will compel you to feel sympathy with me.’ She glanced around on an unfathomable call when she moved downstairs at Lahore fort.
‘Who else can see me?’ she wondered.
‘But how can you….,’ she stared at him.

    ‘IrravatiOh, I mean can you ride me till river Ravi?’ I’m Saadun. I’m stuck over here for centuries. I belong to its soil. With heavenly blue water, starting from Himalaya, I started to roll n drown with it since 2000 years ago. I observed green valleys of Kashmir and small villages at the plains of Punjab at its banks. I loved the songs and cackles of young girls washing, bathing n gossiping for long at Ravi,’ he paused.

 ‘Then one stormy day a devastating flood forced me to roll down in south at the fields of a beautiful village ‘Lavapuri’ named at the son of Raam and Sita. Some called it ‘Loh’….

‘Look, it’s been centuries when Ravi flows adjacent to Lahore Fort. I suggest you should see a vacant temple dedicated to lava or Loh, here in Lahore fort to narrate your tedious anecdote. I can’t help you out in any way. Let me go,’ she cut him off and moved upward but stopped out of blue then.

‘This wide staircase was constructed specially for the elephants to ride on. Mughal kings visited Lahore fort on their marvelous elephants. These wide rooms were called harem, where Mughal queens, consorts n princess reside. We just open this part of the fort just for our special visitors,’ they listened at the guide opening the lock from outside. Murad was an active, but mysterious guide for tourists for long.
 She looked above with terrified eyes.

‘No matter, how much I avoid this guide; he is always there to bother me,’ she murmured and turned back.

‘Then where were you at your story?’ she came closer to him, almost hiding beside him.

‘Then I was struck by a temple, where the natives were busy in their religious practices. Jainism and then Hinduism ruled here,’ he looked at her and calmly stated again.

‘I begged air, the footsteps of farmers, even donkeys, and cows to kick me back to Iravati or Parushni(old names of Ravi river) but no one lent a hand. The centuries continued to pass and Lahore continued to rise at Ravi’s south banks. Actually Ravi and Lahore became cohorts in altering the history of times.’

‘Look, I already know about it all. Now come to the point, what you want of me?’
‘This guide is still here,’ she tried to peep out a wooden window.

 ‘Ravi fed Lahore to earn beautiful gardens, orchards, impressive temples, and markets. Many historians like Ptolemy an Egyptian astronomer and Chinese pilgrim Xuanzang visited and described this city. River Ravi continued to guard Lahore against foreign invaders. I was still bordered in the fields far from the new development of time when humankind was acquainted with the illumination of divine religion on earth, Islam,’ his eyes glittered for a moment and he stopped talking.

‘Where are you going? My story is not finished yet but the most out of the ordinary part are just about to meet now?’ he called her again.

‘I think that guide has moved to the other side, but he’ll be here soon I know. I should hide somewhere else.’

‘I think you’re not bothered of your feelings then of that guide,’ Saadun smiled.
 ‘If you just make a deal with me, I can help you out. I know; what you are wandering and hiding in desolated walls of the Lahore fort for centuries,’ he played his next card.

‘Oh, then you also know it. Then you would also blackmail me like that guide,’ she sighed.

‘Not at all. I believe we both can help each other to get out of here. I told you my life changed after this part of my anecdote,’ he held her shoulders.

‘It was about 11th century when an invader Mahmood of Ghaznvi’ from west broke the barrier of Ravi and captured the Lahore. I got too scared, everything seemed finished and ruined to me at the start, but actually, this invasion changed the course of history in this area.

‘Ayaz, yes Malik Ayaz, Mahmood appointed one of his brave slaves as his governor and honored Lahore as his second capital after Ghazni. He also built garrison over here,’ he got excited.

‘Then what special, every winning warrior does the same. Lahore is situated in the central position to march towards forward in Sindh and Northern Punjab. Mongols ruined the city in the 13th century but even than Khijis, Tuqlus, Lodhis and Suri continued to rule until the Babur invaded here and great Mughal sultanate established here.’ she was still disinterested.

‘Ayaz was different. I told you he made this city appeared on the globe. Being the first Muslim rebuilt this Lahore and introduced culture, arts, poetry and architecture over here and Mughals continued this. Malik Ayaz put foundations of Lahore fort or Shahi Qila at this position. I was honored to be a part of this fort then. I observed the great Babar, Akbar, and Jahangir moving in these lobbies, Shahjahan and Aurangzeb visiting here with their might.’

 The air seemed filled with the exhilarating khugro's(anklet) jingle to her.

 ‘That was a great time. The world stopped under my feet when I started to perform,’ she lost somewhere in the past.

‘But Jhangir’s favorite consort Nur Jahan buried you alive here in the fort but no one knows why?’ he stopped.

‘For Sharyar,’ tears rolled in her eyes.

‘You mean, Prince Sharyar, the youngest son of King Jahangir and Nur Jahan’s son in law,’ he inquired.

‘What you want of me?’ she composed herself instantly.

 ‘I want to quit from this fort now, just wants to move on; If you take me to Ravi then I’ll seek to free your soul from pain by imploring for you near king Jahangir and Nur Jahan’s tombs at Ravi’s bank,’ he finished her story and came to point.

‘What do you mean? My soul is stuck in these walls. I can’t escape and you’re asking me to take you out. Now you’re coming to my nerves,’ tears rolled in her eyes.

 ‘Why don’t this guide Murad take these guides to minaret Pakistan and other monuments of the city and tell them the political importance of Lahore at the time of partition, when Pakistan resolution was passed here. Why he is stuck with Mughals? I can’t go anywhere from here just…,’ she peeped outside again.
The door opened with creak sound and some shadows appeared on stairs.

‘This way, sir,’ they both listened to Murad.

‘You’re lying. You went outside many times; when Ranjit Singh took this city from Ahmad Shah Abdali in the 18th century and used the fort as his stable and to reside his cavalry; you ran from here and spent your days at Malik Ayaz’s grave in market. You also went with viceroy when the British took over the city from Sikhs,’ Saadun became furious on her snub.

 ‘Tell me, haven’t you visited British monuments e.g. GPO, G.C university and performed for that viceroy at Mall road. You witnessed the bleeding migrants in 1947 partition. You can go anywhere when you want. You’re just scared of that guide. Take me out. I’ll help you too,’

‘Stop it; just stop. I’m not scared of anyone. I’m not answerable to you.    

‘Ravi is not that Ravi now. Blue heavenly water turned into a contaminated stream. 

Ravi became undersized to fetch water for this developed and populated city. 

You don’t want to see Ravi but want to restore your old age through my soul. Once I’ll take you out, then you’ll move at least 1000 years back through my spell on time,’ she ran outside the window as Murad entered the room.

‘You’re mistaken, Irravati. You know nothing. Where are you going?’ Saadun called her from the back.

‘She’s never mistaken. She’ll come back after hitting her soul at 8 gates of the walled city. She is an itinerant and looking the ways to get back in time by roaming in Anar Kali, Ichra Bazaar but I can help you out from here at one condition,’ Murad looked amazed. Saadun smiled by looking at the window.

Chapter 2

  Lahore Fort beauty at night

‘This part of Lahore fort remains cold even in summers because of its unique ventilation system. Large spacious rooms were used as Harem. Queens, consorts n princesses meandered here. We just open this area just for our special guests. You can visit this area at ease.’

Tourists spread in the rooms of summer palace just beneath Sheesh Mahal in the hope to hear a few gossips, cackles and tears from past. Just then, Murad turned to him.     

‘What you just said to Irravati?’ he became furious.

‘I’m not in a state of saying anything to anyone,’ Saadun tried to budge outside the wall.

‘But I know why you’re roving disguised as a guide at this fort?’ Saadun looked in his eyes. Just then they heard bells ringing in ‘temple of Loh’ named at the prince 

‘Lava’ or ‘Loh’; the son of Raam and Sita.

‘She is back,’ Murad looked above. Tourists came back to him.

‘You told that Lahore fort observed the destruction and ruins of many invaders before coming to its marvelous grace,’ one tourist approached Murad just then.

‘It’s unfortunate of warriors to destroy the history of ignoring the verity that history can’t be wiped out. Its saved at every inch of this universe, at skies, at rocks, and at souls,’ Murad stopped and looked at Saadun, who stood still in the wall now. He became restless.

 ‘Malik Ayaz heaved the foundations of Lahore fort with mud bricks, but Mongols ruined it in the 12th century. Sultan Balban rebuilt it. Timur felt content to smash Lahore fort again and Mubarak Shah Syed satisfied after re-erecting it. Lodhi’s dwelled here too while ruling at Lahore but Mughal kings gave the real blush to Lahore fort by reconstructing it to marvelous structure, as architecture remained their signature marks in the subcontinent,’ Murad put the story in plain but intriguing terms like a professional guide.

‘I know every Mughal king continued to add beauty to this fort in their era. Because of its strategic location to control Multan, Kashmir, and Kabul; Akbar decided to demolish mud-brick fort into a stronghold. He accomplished the Lahore fort with gardens and pavilions. Then King Jahangir added mosque Maryum Zamani Begum and magnificent picture wall to it. Shah Jahan gifted the Diwan e Aam and mesmerizing Sheesh Mahal. How Aurangzeb could miss his inherited traditions by constructing Badshahi Mosque?’ one brown-haired lady tourist revised her notes.

Ummimpressive research,’ one of her mate praised.

‘You know I’m a big fan of Mughals architecture.’


  ‘Let me see you the Badshahi Mosque, adjacent to the fort. This mosque was built by King Aurangzeb. The marvelous semi-circular doomed entrance of Lahore fort the Alamgiri gate is also Aurangzeb’s gift to this fort,’ he pointed the tourists out of harem rooms towards elephant stairs.

‘Hey, get me out of here,’ Saadun called him from the back and tried to leave that wall. Murad just ignored him and took tourists outside.

 Harmonium, tabla, khungroo, the air filled with charming sounds as the life at fort seemed to restore to life at that instance. A private royal function was in its preparation at Sheesh Mahal at the arrival of Prince Khuram( King Shah Jahan, later on) and Prince Sharyar, the sons of King Jahangir.

 ‘These giant stairs were specially made to ride the elephants when kings visited this fort. Then you’ll cross lush green magnificent Hazoori Bagh to enter the Badshahi Mosque,’ they all came outside at giant stairs.

‘I loved the ‘picture wall’ constructed by King Jahangir. Every panel of the wall depicted the living scenes of elephant fights, polo games, tea partiesI’ve visited the monuments of all world but I’m a big fan of Mughals' artistic approach. Every structure is a masterpiece and unique with a fusion of Islamic, Persian, European and of course Indian styles,’ the lady tourist seemed impressed. 

 It was about to spread dusk when tourists moved forward. The sky was clear with twinkling stars and a shining full moon. The guards of Lahore Fort were about to shut its gates for general visitors.


‘We should move outside now. You can enjoy fabulous traditional Lahori food at food street just outside the fort. It’ll be awesome to view of Lahore fort, Badshahi Mosque, Ranjit Singh’s Samdhani and Naag temple( temple made by Ranjit Singh’s daughter at his regime) from there in floodlights across this area,’ Murad guided the tourists towards the gate.

‘Wait a minute, how can we skip the famous ‘SEESH MAHAL,’ that brown-haired lady turned back.
‘Please…,’ Murad called her from the back and gazed at Hazoori bagh towards Jahangir’s Shah Burj block. Just for instance the world stopped and moved back in times.

     Hundreds of ‘diyas’ (cup-shaped oil lamps) rowed in his ways. Full moon rays were reflecting after hitting the mirrors of Sheesh Mahal to cast panorama's effect on the atmosphere. Musicians took their positions at one corner that time reached which he was scared.

Irravati came on the floor adorned with jewels and anklets. Strings of sitar mixed the air to hammer saccharine reverberation at hearts.

‘Why you stand there, Murad. Though it’s a private place reserved just for royals but being buddy you’re always welcome,’ Prince Shyaryar called him.

Chapter 3

Ba Adab, Ba Mulaiza hoshiar ‘the world seizer’ ‘the Master of conquerors’ Shansha e Hindustan Badsha salaamat Jahangir and Malika Aliya Nur Jahan are arriving at Lahore Fort.’

 A horse cart appeared on the wide paved red brick road towards high and sturdy walls of Lahore fort and stayed across Akbari gate.

  ‘Though, the Mughal capital has shifted to Agra from Lahore. Ah, Agra, Delhi, Kashmir wherever I go; the air at Lahore and Ravi chases me and compels me back here. I feel homesick without Lahore,’ King Jahangir expressed his feelings to his senior minister Balban who was there to welcome them.

‘Prince Saleem, the eldest son of king Akbar whom he got with vows at graves of pious men like Saleem Chistee(R.A). These wide gardens, fountains and balconies of Lahore fort still remember the fair colored fuming young prince Saleem with sharp eyes and long black hair; up in arms but a romantic teenager. The air at Lahore fort still whispers about prince Saleem who came here from Fatehpur Sikri; chased butterflies, sniped pigeons, racing his favorite horses, playing chess and enjoyed parties, free of worries.

Now Saleem is a conqueror King Jahangir against raja of Kangra, Ohms, Portuguese, British and Deccan. How time flies,’ Balban followed the king Jahangir towards diwan e aam.

‘The way to the throne from Prince Saleem to King Jahangir was full of thorns, my dear. That slipshod prince Saleem lost somewhere in castle conspiracies and hardships of this life. The vestiges of dead are distributed equally among the heirs in the whole world but unfortunately, every prince had to fight and kill against his blood to put on his survival and remnants of his father.

 The walls of Lahore fort would testify Jahangir’s labors against his 5 brothers and even against his heroic father King Akbar to get this empire at the age of 36,’ Emperor Jahangir paused and gazed around.

‘You’re a murderer. You killed my son, my prince Khusro. You left him at the hands of Prince Khurram. He pricked hot iron bars at my beloved’s eyes and then 
…. I owe you when you were only 15, I loved you, and I gave you a first heir. The walls of forts don’t raise high to prevent enemies but to conceal the stories of disloyalty against women and to bury the anecdotes of brutality against fathers, brothers, and sons,’ Just then a woman in rags with dusty poor hair caught up there with broken chains.

‘Shah Begum,’ Jahangir saw her after years. His first wife was now around the bent body in this fort.
  piercing hot iron bar into eyes by Mughal Prince to his brother

‘I’m Maan Bai. I hate any title given by you. I plead for your unrest until you take a breath. I plead for your obnoxious end. Ah my Khusro, what a beautiful voice he had? What a magnificent dancer he was? My khusroo….

‘How she approached here?’ Nur Jahan yelled at Balban.

Few men instantly came forward and pulled her at the side.

‘Don’t play impudent, Nur Jahan. This fort is much spacious to lap the 20th wife of Sheiku Baba. You’ll be here soon crying and waiting to die. Emperors and princes have been the most malicious and heartless creature on earth…,’

They could hear at her yelling from far. King Jahangir took out opium from his pocket, inhaled it and tottered with weakness.

        ‘Don’t take it to your nerves, Meray Huzoor. Now I’m with you at every step to wipe the thrones from your way,’ Nur Jahan was a beautiful, sharp lady. She came closer to Jahangir and held his hands.

‘Prince Khusro cut what he has sown. King Jahangir is known for his veracity norms, religious practices and his artistic revelation throughout the empire. Who can compare your bell of justice, meray huzoor? You just take care…,’

‘Who set her free?’ they reached diwan e aam.

  Emperor Jahangir's wives, Jagat Gohsain, Nur Jahan and Shah Begum 

‘Malika Jagat Ghosain, the mother of Prince Khurram. She is not happy at your arrival,’ Balban explained to Nur Jahan.

‘Oh, how hard I and Mumtaz Mahal get rid of her in Agra and sent him at Lahore but she is still in the game. Interesting!’

  Prince Shahryar, Lahore Fort

Just then Prince Sharyar entered Diwan e Aam.

 ‘Welcome, Aba huzoor. These white horses are little gratitude from me for Queen Nur Jahan and her daughter Ladli Begum. I hope they would like it,’ Prince Sharyar kissed Jahangir’s hands staring at Nur Jahan’s tan-colored, fat and unattractive daughter Ladli Begum.

‘I just hope, she would be intelligent like her mother at least,’ Sharyar sighed.
Irravati, look at prince Sharyar. How much handsome is he? He is also staring at me,’ Ladli begum excitedly murmured to her friend.

UmmI just wish I could be at your place. I would be a princess too… I’llI canqueen…,’ Irravati thought and peeped at prince Sharyar.

‘My love, my son Prince Sharyar, a reflection of mine! I’m happy that you’re managing this side of the sultanate astutely. Soon you’ll also be part of expeditions like your elder brother Prince Khuram (later king Shah Jahan), who is brilliantly fighting at Ahmed Nagar. How are you, Murad? I hope both friends are having good times,’ King Jahangir greeted his youngest son and his best friend, the son of senior minister Balban.

‘I’m good, Alam Panah,’ Murad’s eyes slipped at the beautiful girl stood active behind Nur Jahan. He got spellbound for instance but the girl was lost staring at Sharyar.

‘You all take some rest then we’ll meet at lunch,’ prince Sharyar smirked to guests.

Murad was looking at the arrangements when he saw her again roaming in the private lobbies of Prince Sharyar. She was peeping behind doors that she didn’t realize the edge of the water channel at Lahore fort from Ravi. She slipped, splashed and started to scream. Murad ran there and pulled her.

‘Are you ok?’ she opened her eyes terrified and saw a muscular young boy bowed upon her. She got up with a jerk.

‘Yes, I’m. You saved my life. Thank you,’ she squeezed the water out of her dupatta and ran forward.

‘Listen, please, what’s your name?’ Murad asked eagerly from behind.

Irravati,’ she turned back. The water was making its way from her hair crossing her white ice cheeks towards her neckline. Prince Sharyar came out of his room after hearing at clatter outside.


 Decorated horse carts bunged inside Lahore fort and workers started to take out baskets of sweets.

Alam Panah, Prince Khurram, and Mumtaz Mahal are blessed with a 6th child, a baby boy named 

Aurangzeb,’ a messenger from Agra bowed against Nur Jahan and Jahangir, who sat at Huzoori Bagh with Nur Jahan’s young daughter Ladli Begum and were enjoying mangoes.

‘That’s wonderful. I’m eager to kiss my grandson. Unfortunately, I’m at Lahore to handle the chaos at northern borders at Kandhar so I’ll have to wait for it. Soon prince Sharyar will be on his way to thrash Safvaid creating trouble. Only then I would be back to my capital Agra’ King Jahangir got excited and almost swallowed a full Gulab Jaman. Ladli begum also took one hurriedly.

Nur Jahan is a phupho (aunt) of Mumtaz and I’m phupo… oh noI think khala of Mumtaz’ hefty brood,’ Ladli begum grinned.

‘You’re not taking any, Nur Jahan. After all, your niece Mumtaz Mahal, the daughter of your beloved brother Asaf khan has blessed with a baby boy.’ Jahangir himself presented tray towards her.

‘It’s only me who brought her in Agra fort and arranged her marriage with Prince Khurram. Baby after baby, Mumtaz Mahal is clinching more potency day by day. I don’t know what she has drunk to prince Khurram that he doesn’t see anywhere else in harem except Mumtaz. Even he has given her his imperial seal Mehr Uzaz along with the immense allowance. How can she be involved in Mughal court affairs?’ Nur Jahan pushed the tray of sweets back.

 ‘A fertile woman is more attractive and dominant than a beautiful one. At least, In this case, your niece has defeated you,’ Jahangir smirked and announced alms for needy in the city to celebrate the birth of a new Mughal prince and a future emperor of Hindustan.

Alam Panah,’ Nur Jahan got furious,

‘You don’t take it at heart, after all, she is your blood. She knows to handle the men. Look at these coins embedded with your picture instead of mine. A token of my love! No one can challenge your bonding and power,’ Jahangir tossed the coins at one side and started to cough badly.

   ‘My brother, Asaf khan was just an ordinary servant at Agra fort and now he is your prime minister. Even my father Gias Din is enjoying royal status just because of me, but now these are challenging my writ and inciting Prince Khuram against you. The victory at Ahmed Pur has exposed Khuram’s bad intentions to acquire this realm. We should go back to Agra as soon as possible,’ Nur Jahan ordered the servants to take Jahangir to his room and drowned in deep thoughts by looking at her daughter Ladli Begum.

‘Where is Irravati?’ just than Nur Jahan noticed the absence of Ladli begum’s personal kaneez Irravati.

‘She has gone to Shahi hamam,’ Ladli Begum was still enjoying the sweets.

‘Stop it, Ladli, just take care of your fattening body and behave maturely.’

 ‘I’ve heard that you’re leaving for Kandhar soon to beat the Safavid Empire there. How would your kaneez live without you?’ Irravati’s voice was shivering with grief.

‘Where ever I’ll stay my dear, you would be always with me. Your love and beauty haven’t left any way of escape. If you wouldn’t be Nur Jahan’s kaneez then I would marry you. I’ll soon request Malika Nur Jahan for your possession,’ Prince Shayar held Irravati in his arms.

 ‘You just pray for my success. The victory at Kandhar would take me closer to the throne. After the end of Brother Prince Khusro; I and Prince Khurram are only contestants to win the title of next Mughal King…,’ Prince Sharyar paused after listening at the knock at the door.

Irravati got up and stood at one corner after watching Murad entering the room. Murad peeped at her with murky eyes.

‘Ah, Murad, hope something important has dragged you here,’ Prince Sharyar warmly welcomed his best friend. Irravati left the room.

‘I’ve heard that Prince Khurram and Mumtaz Mahal has planned to kill you while expedition at Kandahar. Their spies have entered out rows. We better need to modify our plan, alter our routes and should transfer our generals,’ Murad informed him.

‘Or we can change our party,’ Malika Nur Jahan entered the room.

‘Would you marry my daughter, Ladli begum? My power and vision will get a hold of the throne for you. Now we'll see who wins the throne Mumtaz or Nur Jahan,’ she grinned.

It looked as prince Sharyar’s wish was on Nur Jahan’s Lips.
‘Why not, it would be my pleasure, Malika,’ Prince Sharyar didn’t take time to miss this chance.

‘But soon I’m leaving for Kandahar,’

‘Not you, but Prince Khurram will leave for northern borders. I’ve called the meeting of generals and you can join us there. I want to announce the engagement of you both at the festivity of Jashn e Nauroz at Lahore fort. I know this news will fall like thunder on Agra fort,’ Nur Jahan laughed and left the room.

‘Mughal Kings and Prince don’t like to marry the mistress. They just match their mates with daughters of sultans, Rajas, and warriors for political reasons. This expedition to win Sharyar will only break your heart,’ Murad came to Irravati.

‘Who cares of heart? I want to be Queen-like Nur Jahan and Mumtaz Mahal. No one can get into my way. Not even Ladli Begum. Sharyar is the only mine,’ Irravati got furious.


The night at Lahore fort was elaborated with diyas and music. After a mouthful of dinner, Sharyar and Murad came to Sheesh Mahal.

Ladli Begum, ornamented as Mughal brides were brought to the stage by her friends and parked her next to prince Sharyar.

Musicians annoyed the strings of the sitar and disturbed the door of harmonium when Irravati appeared on stage at full moon night. She twisted her body that the world stopped to revolve for seconds. 
The resonance of her anklet blocked any other influence to breach the ambiance of love. Her dance performance mesmerized everyone.

King Jahangir was about to announce the engagement of Ladli and Sharyar when a group of riots attacked on the function. Fort guards encircled the king Jahangir and Queen Nur Jahan. Prince Sharyar and Murad were resisting the attackers when Murad saw Irravati screaming. Few men were pulling her at one side. Murad came in the way and fought bravely. He got a sharp cut at his shoulder but the sent those attackers towards hell.

‘Who dared to attack at Emperor Jahangir’s function,’ Nur Jahan called meeting.

‘Only Prince Khuram can do this. He has refused to leave for Kandahar. Many cavalry generals are favoring him. He is afraid of new bounding of you and prince Sharyar. The situation at Agra fort is not favorable and someone must be helping from inside,’ Balban briefed her.

‘Send few men with gifts to Shah Abbas of the Safavid Empire and incite him for peace talks for time being. Meanwhile, we’ll keep on our preparations of war and don’t worry about Agra; Mughal capital can again come back to Lahore. Where is king, there is the capital,’ Nur Jahan dismissed the meeting.

‘Thank you for saving my life once again,’ Irravati came to Murad, who was lying in the clinic at Lahore fort.

Look I told you Sharyar is the only mine,’ she smiled.

‘You’re playing with fire. I know you helped the attackers to enter the fort,’ he sighed.

Ummmay be,’ she turned her eyes.

‘Why don’t you understand he’ll never marry you?’

‘I don’t want to be but you take care of yourself,’ Irravati got up and left. Murad kept those earrings below his pillow again.

On the following weekend, Prince Sharyar and Ladli Begum got married in a simple function. Prince Sharyar got strength and favors both against Prince Khurram (later Shah Jahan) after this marriage.

Alam Panah, you promised me to marry but then saw your back,’ Irravati came to him.

‘Had e adab, be-adab kaneez. Now you’ll tell me about my decisions. It’s not that bad time on Mughal princes that they marry kaneez rather than of influential women around. You better don’t come in front of me again,’ he called the guards.
King Jahangir’s physical condition was losing ground day by day.

‘Shah Abbas has sent back our messengers with gifts but then attacked on Kandhar. As no prince is leading the combat, so we’re about to lose,’ a senior minister came to Nur Jahan.

Prince Khuram will have to pay for his refusal to me,’ Nur Jahan got furious. 

‘Royal herbalist at the fort has suggested taking king to Kashmir, when he’ll leave then I’ll crown Sharyar as king and Lahore as a new capital. Prince Sharyar’s friend Murad will go with the king,’ Nur Jahan told her plan to his loyal minister.

‘History will remind the war of a brother and sister for the Mughal throne when their nominees were their sons-in-law.

Prince Sharyar VS Prince Khurram is Nur Jahan vs. her brother Asaf khan that whose son in law would be the next sovereign,’ minister smiled and left the diwan.

Just then a fort mistress ran to Nur Jahan, ‘someone has poisoned Ladli Begum.’

‘What how is she now?’

‘She and baby are out of danger now but this poison may affect her skin, she may have lifetime painful scars on her body,’ fort lady doctor seemed worried.

‘I’m surely cradling the snake in my sleeves,’ she thought deep.

Irravati, are you mad? I’m sure you poisoned Ladli Begum,’ Murad stopped her in the way.

‘And I’m sure, you won’t tell anyone,’ she looked in his eyes.


 ‘Why are you doing all this? Why do you want to kill Ladli?’

‘Why do you want to save me?’

‘Because…,’ his voice stuck in his throat.

‘Because you love me and don’t want to lose me. just like that I love prince Sharyar and can't see Ladli Begum near him?’ she got serious. 

‘What are you talking about? Look stop thinking about Sharyar. He has chosen his way,’ he turned his eyes off her.

‘Could you abandoned me even knowing that I m interested in prince Sharyar not in you?’ she came in front of him.

‘I just… respectloveIrravati one day or other Nur Jahan will know about it. Forget about Sharyar. I’m not king or prince but I promise to keep you like a queen of my heart,’ Murad couldn’t control his emotions anymore.

‘I told you I damn care of anyone. I’m sorry Murad. You can give my name to anyone but I’ll continue my fight,’ Irravati disappointed him again.  

Ladli Begum gave birth to a daughter. Just then Jahangir was taken to Kashmir as prescribed by royal doctors. Murad had to go with Jahangir.

‘I’ve bought these for you,’ he met Irravati after a long time.

‘They were your depositary with me,’ he took out beautiful gold earrings from a red pouch.

‘I appreciate your feelings Murad but I want to rule this world, this fort at Lahore is the only mine. One day prince would turn towards me. It’s my dream and this dream is my life.’

‘I’ll always be there to save your dream,’ Murad left for Kashmir, with Jahangir, whose health was falling every second.

‘I’m very sad to announce the news of the death of King Jahangir near Kashmir.

Prince Sharyar will heir his throne and Lahore will be capital of Mughal Empire from now,’ Nur Jahan very swiftly planed the switching of the crown from Jahangir to her son in law Sharyar.

‘Arrest my brother Prince Khuram and his allies from Agra,’ Prince Sharyar gave his first order.

Everything changed in days. Murad came back with Jahangir’s dead body and buried him near the Ravi River with royal protocol.

A tug of war started among the prince. Prince Khurram saved his imprisonment with the help of his father in law Asaf khan and Gias din. Both Princes had to meet now on the battlefield for the throne.

‘Where is Irravati? Murad looked at every corner of Lahore fort and asked everyone but no one bothered about her misplacement when one day he found one earring attached with a wooden window.

 ‘Murad we had to leave for combat with Prince Khurram if I lose you promise me to take care of my family.’ Prince Sharyar and Murad were riding horses while examining war preparations.

‘Alam Panah, we’ll turn victorious,’ Murad checked his sword. 
‘Murad, Irravati is dead,’ Sharyar blasted on his nerves that sword fell from his hands.

Alam panah,’ Murad gazed at him.

‘I’m sorry that I couldn’t save your love in your absence. It was not difficult for me to play with emotions of any kaneez of this fort but how could I be disloyal to my best friend?’ prince Sharyar surprised him.

‘Nur Jahan found her guilty during the investigation and until I could do anything she buried her alive somewhere in the castle. I even don’t know her burial place,’ Sharyar continued.

‘When we’ve to leave for combat against prince Khurram,’ the air at Hazoori Bagh stopped to enhance the suffocation for Murad.

Prince Sharyar lost the battle and was imprisoned and then killed by prince Khurram. Prince Khurram took over the throne as the title of Shah Jahan at Agra.

Murad came back to Lahore fort and reside there with Nur Jahan and Ladli begum till their death as he promised Sharyar.

 After that person around off and on saw a guide roaming around the fort and telling the stories of this fort but no one knew about his ware bouts,’ Saadun finished the story.

Murad found himself in a basement against Saadun. When tourists left, he didn’t remember anything.

‘You’re also dead, but your soul is still looking for Irravati,’ he continued.
‘I regret that I couldn’t save her life. I looked for her everywhere and I’m still looking for her.’

‘How could you save anyone when one itself loves to play with death,’ Irravati entered the room.

‘I always ran from you even after when my soul stuck to these walls. I don’t know, but now I’m tired of wandering in barren rooms. Please take me out of here,’ she offered her hand towards him.

Murad’s eyes sparkled with joy as his quest was about to end now. He held her leisurely. Just then Saadun left his place. Murad found Irravati’s another earring from there. Irravati smiled and held her head on Murad’s shoulder. Their souls flew to the sky but they didn’t forget to place Saadun near Jahangir’s tomb. Now Saadun could see his love River Ravi flowing near Jahangir and Nur Jahan’s tomb and tell the story of Irravati and Murad to visitors over there as a guide.



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