
Monday, 7 September 2020


What is blogging?

Blogging is an online platform to write articles, journals and opinions where you can also earn from your posts through various ways. The affiliate marketing or adsense are popular genres to earn from your blogger website. Creating a blogger account is absolutely free with a free domain name. Domain name is an address of your blogger website.

You just need to make your Gmail account in advance to sign up with and have to choose a unique name for your blog. Here I'll tell you step by step guide to make blogger account with free domain just in three steps. I've assumed that you already have made a Gmail account. Let's start your journey towards online earning by the comfort of your home.

  • Search
  • Write your G mail address
  • Enter password
  • Enter your blog Display name, click next
  • Enter your blog title, click finish
  • Bravo, you've created new blogger account free in 3 steps with free domain
  • Write, edit, publish blog posts for free. 
  • Write 15-20 well-researched posts of 800-1000 words
  • Apply for adsense
  • Earn from your blog

You don't like blogspot domain name then apply for paid domain names.

Free domain although doesn't effect blogger ranking if your content s fresh, well researched and consistent. 

  • Login to

When you'll write blogger address in search bar then this webpage will appear. Just click on CREATE A BLOG. You can create any kind of blog according to your interest. It can be from recipes, drama reviews, parental tips to health advises, technology or educational based articles.

  • Write Gmail address

After create a blog, google will ask you about your Gmail address. Provide one authentic G mail address. Be careful it can address which you'll use to receive payments, notifications from blogger and any updates. It is better to make one separate Gmail address for blogger and continue using it.

  • Choose a name of your blog

This is a title which will displayed at top of your blog. You can choose any name for your blog keeping in mind your audience and content type. This blog name can be changed afterwards whenever you want without affecting your traffic or website. I suggest you to choose blog name close to your URL  or blog address.

I chose Fusion Stories for for my blog name.

This is web address that how people will find your blog online. The most important step in creating a blog name is to choose a URL. You've limited options to change your blog URL afterwards. I suggest you to choose a simple and short name which also points towards your website style and content. For example if you're making one fashion blog then you can name it like trends, shades etc. For technology based blog, your name can be Techworld, Techscience, learn tech etc. When you're creating a free blogger account with free domain then keep in mind that there are a lot of people who are choosing a same domain name and you've limited choices. Sometimes you need to add number or sign with name. After getting approved for your URL, you've reached the last step of making your free blogger account with free domain My blog was initially based on stories so I name it 
Below is another example of choosing same URL with little difference.

  • Blogger dashboard

After clicking SAVE you reach to your blogger website page or dashboard which look like this. At left side, a blogger bar will lead you towards the status, comments, earnings, layout and settings of your blogger website. For earnings through adsense, you need to get approval from adsense. Anyone can apply or adsense after writing 15-20 good, well reaseached posts through earnings tab. Go to new post and write your first post. Publish it and share it with your friends and public. Click & Read


  • Select Themes, template

Blogger sets default theme for your blogger websites which set your page color, ordering of elements, text type and much more. I suggest you to search "free blogger templates" and choose one good for you.

  • Blogger Content

A million dollar question is what type of content should I write that grabs instant attention of people, increase my traffic and make my website ranked higher. I suggest you don't be impatient and write your passion and interest in start. It means that in start you write what appeals you most. For example if you know much about cars, mobile, video games then write few posts on it. If you know about fashion, cooking and style then write about it. Gradually you'll learn more about blogging and you'll start writing on multiple topics.

  • Don't like blogspot. com free domain name

When you create free blogger account then blogspot appears with your domain name. It's the favor you're providing to blogger for giving you free domain name which you can use free for long period without fussing you to pay annual or monthly charges for your domain name.
Once you created free blogger account with free domain, but now you want to get rid of blogspot from your domain name. Here  you'll need to buy paid domain names. There are many websites which sell cheap domain names and takes annual charges. You can select .com, .pk with your URL and blogspot will disappear from your web address.


Domain names don't much effect your website ranking and blogger traffic.
Your blogger website can get adsense approval, high ranking and even earning from free domain name. If you're reading this article reaching from google, then observe that my article and my website reach to you with free blogger domain name.

Buying a domain name depends on your budget. It also give you a few more better options to strive through your blogging journey. I advise you to buy domain name at early stage of your blog. With time it'll be complicated to set your blogger website with new paid domain name. 

Rest is your consistency and effort is the keyword and key tool to make you a pro blogger. Keep on writing good posts without much taking care of your traffic in start. It takes time but hard work pays off. 

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