
Saturday, 19 September 2020


DO I HAVE STUBBORN CHILD? Effective ways to deal with stubborn children

Children born in the same family under the same surroundings show varied attitudes. Some children have composed and understandable personalities and don’t raise fuss most often. Some react furiously on every issue and behave stubbornly.  A stubborn child is a tough test for parents and they should think about it seriously from the early age of the child. 

 Avoid eating meals in time, retaliate in taking bath, demand to wear the same dress again and again, cry for extra time on mobile to play video games, or argue on daily house chores do not prove your child a stubborn one. These are normal behavior modes of any child that parents most often deal successfully and this type of stubborn attitude faded away with time. Things require considerable notice when children's response to minor issues goes furious and stubborn with time. Below are a few signs that you have a stubborn child and you need to work on it:

  • A child doesn’t want to share things with siblings and throw it away if someone attempts to use his/her things.
  • A stubborn child clearly told you about his/her likings and disliking and don’t compromise on it even you beat him/her.
  • A stubborn child will never accept or even respond to otoany kind of abuse whether it’s verbal or physical from parents or anyone else.
  • A stubborn child is most often not happy with family and friends. He/she always has a bucket full of complaints against them.
  • A stubborn child doesn’t feel sympathy about the people around him and always tries to make things according to his plans. For example, a stubborn child will eat all grapes or finish pizza before his siblings approach there to share any.
  • A stubborn child has mood swings. At one time, he is happy, loving, and supporting and the next second, he shuts himself in the room for long.
  • The stubborn children have problems making friends in school.
  • A stubborn child has the courage to say or react to things that others avoid disclosing. 

  • A stubborn child also has a positive point that he/she takes stand for parents and siblings if he/she feels any injustice against them.

     The quality of being stubborn may be genetic or acquired by their surroundings. Sometimes the pressures of work and housework hold up parents’ peace of mind. In such a situation, most of the parents are under pressure and tell their children some things that they should not do at all. Parents consider these things as normal things but in reality, these things have a negative effect on the children.

In any case, parents need a lot of patience and effort to deal with stubborn children. Stubborn child’s energy can be used in a positive way with proper strategy and thinking. 

Here are a few effective ways that can help you to deal with a stubborn child:


It’s a common observation in many families that when a child throws a spoon away on the dinner table or cry until the time, he/she gets his favorite toy, the members of the family take this attitude with appreciation notes, like; Don’t say him anything, he is stubborn like his valor grandfather or she is very stubborn and smart that she knows to make her demands. With time, the child adopts the behavior strongly and stubbornness turns into disrespecting the parents and family members. Now parents become worried and try to teach discipline to their child which doesn’t work most often then. 


Sometimes parents discuss or let others discuss their stubborn child in family gatherings.  Even family friends start to talk about a child’s stubbornness in different ways. Gradually, stubbornness becomes the trademark of your child and everyone starts responding to him/her in a conscious way. Some people mock at the stubborn child or try to discipline him/her with their smart tips. These types of behaviors disturb the child as no one wants to come in bad books. They also start thinking about their behavior but find no help if they try to change it. This increase retaliation and disrespect for parents. So never discuss your child’s stubborn behaviors in family and not let others do so.


Of course, we love our children and never want to see them cry. We do a lot of hard work to make our children’s living happy but showing weakness against their demand makes them stubborn. 

If you had said NO for something, then it should mean NO. Let them cry for a while will in fact help them to bear rejection in practical life. Children pick weak behaviors very quickly and learn to blackmail or pressure parents to meet their demands and they try to implement the same behavior outside too.


A father was in the market with his three kids for back to school shopping. He selected stationery items for kids which were in the normal price range. The two kids seemed content but her middle daughter replaced a few items with expensive ones and insisted to take that. The father was reluctant to start and tried to explain to the girl. ‘You guys know she’s very stubborn and will not give up,’ at last father explained to other kids and bought her demands. The siblings also understood, but the father didn’t realize that life is equally tough for all children.  Her daughter won’t get favor all the time and this will build aggravation in her. So try to deal with every child equally and don’t unnecessarily favor one child to timely satisfy her annoyance and insolence attitude. A stubborn child should teach and encourage to share things with siblings instead of telling the siblings to understand him/her.


Most of the time children become stubborn under disturbing surroundings. Maybe they don’t like some uncle and aunt visiting their house most often. Children may be suffering from any abusive behavior from any family member. Parents most often know the triggers behind the annoyance of their stubborn children but avoid discussing them because of family pressure. Parents should work to settle or change the disturbing environment which is causing frustration in the child.  

Don’t stop them from crying

Most parents prevent their children from crying or even order them to “stop crying’ when they are upset or sad for some reason - but in doing so they try to suppress your feelings at the time, and thus the child also thinks that I have lost my feelings. But this process can be very dangerous for the life to come - so if it feels good to cry, let them cry for a while.

    A stubborn child is a blessing if his/her thoughts and energies are utilized in a positive way and these kids turn out to be leaders, writers, or extraordinary professionals under relevant control.  


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