
Thursday, 4 February 2021



The paper comprises a total of 85 marks and the time allowed is 3 hrs.

The Chemistry paper has four sections: A, B, C & D.

Student will prepare CHEMISTRY paper for exam 2021 and onwards from book: 


Publisher: Punjab text book board, Lahore


This model paper is given for practise purpose only. 

Model paper:

Model papers are samples provided by official education boards to give an idea of paper pattern and marks distribution to students. These papers can be used for practising the paper. However the real paper will have different questions and concepts. 

Here is NEW CHEMISTRY model paper CLASS 12 that is shown on fbise website to facilitate the students:

The paper has four sections: A, B, C & D

Section A

Marks: 17

Time: 25 minutes

Objective type

There will be 17 MCQs. Compulsory and no choice.

Section B

Marks: 21

Short Q/A from chapter 13, 14, 21-24

Do any 7 parts out of 10.

Section C

Marks: 21

Short Q/A from chapter 15-20

Attempt any 7 out of 10 parts.

Each answer carries an equal of 3 marks.

Section D

Marks: 26

Long Q/A from all chapters

Attempt any two questions out of 3.

Each answer carry 13marks

Section D may further divided into parts but each part will be more than 4 marks.

A few tips to solve the best Chemistry paper:

  • Students need to understand and practise theory, formalae, equations as well as numericals to grab good grades. 
  • Listen to your teacher carefully. 
  • Revise and memorize the concepts repeatedly.
  •  Practise from old and model papers. 
  • Don't leave too many topics for choice. In fact prepare 100%
  • Seek help or coaching if needed

Here is Chemistry PAPER PATTERN for class 12, 2nd year, HSSC II exam 2021 & onwards: 

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Chemistry paper pattern class 12

Federal board has uploaded paper pattern and marks distribution of HSSC II on the website for the exam 2021. There will be no change in the format of fbise papers. The paper has four sections: A, B, C & SECTION D.

The paper will comprise MCQs as well as short and long Q/As. 

fbise question paper will comprise three or four sections:

         Section-A is 20% MCQs. This part will be compulsory and collected after prescribed time.

        Section-B & C comprise 50% of paper will hold short answers questions.

   Section- C will comprise 30% long/essay type questions.

FBISE Paper Pattern and Distribution of Marks

 Chemistry HSSC-II


According to official statement of fbise stated on website the Physics question paper is organized into FOUR sections, namely: "Section A, B, C & D" instead of Three from 2020 and onwards. Questions/Answers posed may be text based or derived/unseen but difficulty level and context will be same as per the lessons taught in the course. Distribution of the questions within each section shall be around like 30 percent Knowledge (K), 50 percent Understanding (U) and 20 percent Application (A) for students of ssc II.


The Questions in Chemistry will be designed in such a manner that no pet-definitions are required. The questions will be designed keeping in consideration the time for thought-processes. Also the length of the subsequent text (if any) to be produced by the candidates is considered thoroughly.




This section A of chemistry paper will consists of 12 compulsory structured part questions - Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) of one mark each with four choices each. These MCQs will first be intended in such a way to cover the whole course taught. These MCQs objectively is a way to test the knowledge, learning, understanding and comprehension of the concepts of the course.





Mainly section B of chemistry paper will be from first part of the book as first half chapters. This section B of paper consists of question number two (02) with preferably EIGHT part questions. It’ll have short Response Questions (SRQs) or short Q/A from book. Each question will carry of three (03) marks each. The candidates are required to attempt (respond to) any SIX SRQs out of Eight here. Choice: 6 questions out 8 needed to be done in section B.




The remaining chapters or last half of book will be covered in section C of chemistry paper. This section C of paper will consists of question number three (03) with preferably SEVEN part questions. This section will have Short Response Questions (SRQs) or short Q/A of three (03) marks each. The candidates are required to attempt (respond to) any FIVE SRQs out of Seven. This section total marks are 15.




This section will consists of three (03) Extended or long Response Question (ERQs). Each answer will carry 10 marks. Long answer and detail based questions from all chapters will be included in this part. Candidates are required to attempt (respond to) any two out of Three. Total marks of this section will be 20. These questions may comprise of two or more further part questions each. Also parts of questions intended to have longer concept based questions in this section.



 FBISE also have provided definitions of some terminologies and disclaimers are given in paper guidelines.


                                         I.               Cognitive Domains

Cognitive domain means is to development of mental skill and acquisition of knowledge. As per guidelines papers should comprise  

·        Knowledge base questions of Approximately 30% Question in each section

·        Understanding based questions of Approximately 50% Question in each section

·        Application based questions of approximately 20% Question in each section

                                                                              i.        Knowledge (K)

Knowledge means is to test the ability of the candidates to recall the learned and memorized information or data.


o   A child reciting the counting in order

o    Memorization and reproducing the dates and other facts etc.

e.g.    Quaid e Azam was born on 25th December 1876.


The verbs that can be helpful to explain the memory based question:

Arrange, define, duplicate, label, list, memorize, name, order, recognize, relate, recall, repeat, reproduce, state etc.


                                                                            ii.        Understanding (U)


Understand which is also called Comprehension means to check the ability of the candidates to comprehend the given information and to respond accordingly.



o   Performing analyses and illustrating the experiments

o   Understanding and comprehending the concepts of Social, Natural and Physical Sciences

e.g.    Discuss different types of pollution and their impact on human health briefly.

Related Verbs (Command Words) may be like classify, describe, discuss, explain, express, identify, indicate, locate, recognize, report, restate, review, select, translate, rephrase, differentiate, compare etc.


                                                                          iii.        Application (A)


Here application means to analyze the ability to use learned material in new and concrete situation to solve problems and/or to design a schedule or task.


o   Performing analyses and demonstrate the observations

o   Comprehending & responding to the concepts of Social, Natural

To curtail the study loss and pressure on students due to coronavirus long break, Federal Board of education fbise has reduced syllabus OF ALL SCIENCE & ARTS SUBJECTS and has uploaded to website. The syllabus can be downloaded from fbise official website or the students of class 12 can see the syllabus online from here. One thing is important to mention that paper pattern and scheme of studies will remain same for board exam to be conducted in May/June 2021. All chapters and topics are given here to benefit the students.


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