
Wednesday, 3 February 2021

FBISE Class 11 Math model paper, pattern and scheme of studies

 Here is online Mathematics Question Paper (model) class 11-federal board exam 2021 with paper pattern, scheme of studies and marks distribution.

Model paper aid the students to understand the format of paper. What type of questions will be part of paper? and what will be marks distribution? Students can also practice for annual board exam from this Class 11 Math model paper. This paper is also available on fbise official website. At the end, a clear explanation of paper is given. 

Federal board fbise has uploaded Mathematics model question paper for First year HSSC I with paper pattern and marks distribution:

Mathematics Question paper class 11

Mathematics paper class 11

The students are required to prepare the exam from Punjab text book board Math text book class 11 comprises sets, matrices, graphs, trigonometry, algebraic identities and many other topics.

  There will be no change in the format of fbise papers. The paper has THREE sections: A, B, & SECTION C

fbise Class 11 Math question paper will comprise three sections:

         Section-A weightage is 20% comprises MCQs. This part will be compulsory.

        Section-B comprise 50% weightage of paper. It will hold short questions and small theorems.

   Section- C will comprise 30% weightage. It'll have long questions from exercises and long theorems from end.

The paper will comprise MCQs as well as short and long Q/As. 

Section A: Objective type 

According to fbise Math model paper of class 11, section A has 20 marks and time allowed is 25 minutes. There will be 20 MCQs with four options each. This section is compulsory. All parts need to solve. From this year, fbise will use OMR or bubble sheets to solve objective type paper so students will be able to keep objective type paper with them. Students will be provided OMR SHEETS where students will fill in the right circle carefully. OMR sheet will then taken back after given 25 minutes.


  Section B: short Q/A: 48 MARKS

There will be 14 questions in section B of Class 11 Math paper. Students have to attempt any 12 questions. Each answer carry 4 marks. Answers have to given on separate sheets provided by examiners. This section will be mixture of short Q/A and short theorems from textbook. Section B has most weightage of paper so students need to practise all short theorems and Q/A carefully from the textbook. 


Section C of class 11 Math paper comprises long theorems and long questions from exercises. Students need to solve 4 questions out of 6 questions. Each answer will carry equal 8 marks. 

Here no section is fixed now for theorems or Q/As separately. It has made easy for students and teachers to prepare for exam and strive for right proportion of marks. Earlier many teachers had concerns that very complicated and long questions only had 4 marks to be a part of section B and many short theorems were marked 8 which wasn't fair. Now a modification in Math paper pattern class 11 has rightly distribute the numbers.  


The class 11 Math model paper is given at the start of this article. Students can prepare the exam from here. 


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