
Wednesday, 14 April 2021

How to do board exam preparation online_Edkasa app and online portals for exam preparation of Matric and intermediate


Edkasa Mobile app and Punjab college online portal for exam preparation matric and intermediate Pakistan

You're a Matric or intermediate students and worried about the preparation of upcoming exams then it is a good news for you that here are moblie education apps and online portals which will help you to prepare exam from any education board in Pakistan sitting at home.

Many websites are offering notes for Matric and intermediate students of all subjects like xyznotes. Com and freeilm. Com but there are fewer education  portals and apps where students can give tests to  access their preparation level. Matriculation and Intermediate students are going through a tough time while preparing for the exams under periodic lockdowns and inaccessibility to physical coaching. Many students from studying in government schools and colleges couldn't join online classes due to insufficient resources. Also, many students argued that online classes were not much beneficial. They couldn't go through the series of revision tests and  send ups exams to prepare well for the final exam. 

Here a mobile application "Edkasa-BISE Matric inter app'  is launched to help the students for preparing them board exams. Also Punjab colleges online portal prep. pgc. edu is in line to facilitate the students for well preparing the final board exams. Students can choose exam board, subject, topic and reach to their desired video lecture. 

We're going to tell you the education mobile app and education online portal in Pakistan where you can prepare board final exams at a best level sitting at home.


Edkada mobile app has about 4500 video lectures that can be accessed on demand.  Edkasa has covered all syllabus of 22 exam boards of Pakistan. Edkasa is on it's way to set itself as a fast education tech based company. It has recorded over 1.3 million hours of viewing time and has answered 25,000 queries in 2020. Edkasa has credible and experienced teachers in it's team to meet the queries of students.
Edkasa founder is Fahad Tanveer and Anum Sadiq is a co founder of edkasa.

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Edkasa mobile application is available to download for Android smartphones. The application engage the student with an initial quiz to know the students requirements. The edkasa mobile application is designed in such a way that student can choose subject, and exam board to get prepared accordingly. The student will be able to access from 4500 video lectures. A series of quiz based on 15,000 MCQs from past papers is provided to get the matric and intermediate students ready for exam. An app's leaderboard will show the students rank compared to fellow edkasa students. It'll help the students to know their level of preparation and boost competition among them. So your next tution teacher is behind the screen now.

Is there any fees for joining Edkasa?

The sign up for edkasa is free but a monthly fee of Rs 899 is payable to continue with edkasa.

Which subjects I can prepare on edkasa?

The subjects that can be studied through edkada ate Math, Chemistry, Physics, Biology, and English of almost all exam board in pakistan. Students or parents can give feedback about edkasa online.


Edkasa is covering grade 9, 10, 11 and 12 students to help them for preparing exams. 

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Free online education Portal

Prep. Pgc. edu

Punjab college also has launched an online portal for matric students to help them for upcoming exams. The portal has video lectures, past papers and notes from all education boards. It is free to access and use by any student of Matric. All education boards of Punjab past papers, lectures and syllabus is available on the portal. Students can download test schdule to appear in online test sessions. 

Online education portal

Punjab e books

All Punjab text book board books of Matric and intermediate  are available online both for Urdu medium and English medium students with e lectures and videos. These are free to access.

The app and online education portals are developed after ministry of education has announced final decision on conducting of matrix board exams from 25th May and intermediate exam from 3rd July. We hope that soon students will find more education apps that can help them for preparing the exam. However, Education institutes are closed in Pakistan due to 3rd wave of coronavirus. Students are really worried and frustrated for not getting enough support and guidance for preparation of exams.

Students have understood that adapting to new means of getting lectures and preparing for the exams is a need of time.

Corona virus has changed the dynamics of everything including studies just in a year. Students had to adapt to learn through apps and online classes. 


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