
Thursday, 13 June 2019


I don't have any annoying relatives. What!...may you don't live on planet earth or you must not have any of them? We all have blood relations who sometimes don't miss a chance to tease and irritate us with their unique styles. Having relatives is the best part of our life. These blood relations make us feel special. Anyone feels more homely at his/her uncle or aunt's place in comparison to visiting any friend. Relatives join you at your blissful or distressing moments at first but asides there are types’ of relatives who adore to annoy you. We all have them, know them, but unfortunately can’t avoid them. 
Let’s have look at them….may you can relate any.


It’s a happy go family get together at shifting of your own house or you just have bought a new car and are feeling out at skies when …these relatives don’t forget to remind you and the other family members about the time when your whole family
lived in a house with a broken commode or hardly fixed at any auto to reach any place.
The parental aunts, Phupos(father’s sis.) and Khaalas(mother’s sis.) fall in this category more often. They’re impossible to put break gear on their tongues. These relatives share a lot of such glimpses from your past in front of your newly turned friends with captions of "this family struggled a lot".
 Ah…most annoying but yet for the sake of the pleasure of dad and mom, these relations are put at first place on any invitation even though.
ALSO CLICK TO KNOW: why my spouse's mother interferes a lot in my marriage law?


This type of relatives counts the number of dishes or even the number of chicken pieces at dish at every frequent dinner/lunch. If one time, they seem content with the quantity of serving then next time turn down the complaints ‘Humay kisi nay poocha hi nhi”
         These relatives fabricate mostly from your susral(in-laws) or the in-laws of brothers and sisters. It goes fussier when a married sister calls to prepare 10 types of chutney (dips), 5 types of salads asides main course and desserts to cheer her in-laws at family dinner. On the other side, you also observe and feel irritated when your brother is visiting the market like a tornado to buy the ingredients which will be used to make his saali’s (sister in law) favorite trifle at dinner.

Yet, annoying but mostly you don't only have to sit with those relatives but have to keep smiling all the time.  You better to overlook that it is your test the next day to avoid the comment 
'humay kisi nay dhang say salaaKisike nhi kya"
and mostly you test... dude!


Since childhood, you find a few faces which remain turned off on every occasion. These relatives do not spare a smile on you if you visit them or if they land at your home. Their ups and down silent facial expressions demonstrate that they’re just bearing you for reasons and you’re not welcome at any time.
You could never discover the real pin which had pinched them.
Anyone among ChachAnyonealoos, phupaas and mamis (indirect relations) are most often fall in this category.
Wait, the quality of ‘angry for nothing’, also shows its face suddenly at eldest Mamu or eldest Phupo’ soul right at any wedding ceremony at the time of signatures. This is the most common practice in Asian states to spend a lot of time to take out any fussy relative’s objectionable pins to continue the procession in peace.         

These types of relatives are never liked by anyone and are quite irritable but still, they're relatives.


OMG, These picky types of relatives mostly are those which are at a higher status than you. They must visit you with a big rotten cake once in a year and spend few moments at your home telling you the tips on family planning, early saving benefits, new jewelry designs or plots in new societies. Their talkative basket is mostly full of dramatic highest grades of their kids and success stories of many you even don't know. 


No scientist has yet discovered why there is that serious brawl among husband and wife. Kids are beaten to charge as dumb of the world as soon as such relatives leave the door?
 We still can’t avoid these relatives as they’re presented as showpiece at many weddings and funerals to upgrade the status.


 These relatives (mostly free of kids' responsibilities) visit you more often and asks you about the admission of your son at university, the development of marriage proposals for your daughter or how the daughter in law is behaving with you nowadays. 

They don’t mind sitting there for losittingsearch of any news and don’t strive to conceal their cheerful facial expressions at any contradictory report from family.
Then they present their awful marriage proposals, a diploma option or the services of any spiritual baba (peer) to meet your problems.
These types of relatives though are irritating but are most favorite of mothers as sometimes they update them about other relatives’ activities too.


The relatives who meet you after long or they don’t locate an interest in spying or touching your internal affairs but still are annoying of their innocent talks when they out of blue ask you
 ‘Do you still wet your bed, son?’
 Or ask you to say big Aaaa…to check your cavities which disturbed you at their last visit and thing go annoying yet funnier when they ask Dad the number of his motions a day who is famous with the poor stomach.
A very loud abusive comment(Gali) to any sitting prime minister is usually another part of their political talk without taking care of toddlers at home. 
Taya Abu(father’s elder brother) mamu or cousins of parents are mostly falling in this category.
In time, you try to keep a distance from them in fear of exploration of any hidden or forgotten disease but asides children at home put ears on them to enhance their "vocabulary".


None than other grandparents (dada/dad, nana/nano) and more significant mother-in-laws fallmothers-in-lawory. The helplessness crept at hype when we can't utter a word before them(as we really love and respect them at heart) while they most of time compare their black and white blurring TV life to our fast, digital and multitasked(Facebook and Whatsapp chats) life hundred times a day with captain "I never  sat our times and now you... !" .We just wish to have a time machine then. 

Pause...stop grinning and relating your phups,khaalas, chachis to above categories anthe d ponder of your category. Just kidding...

So these were few relatives which caused annoyance in life but let me tell you one thing…you badly missed them if any of them don’t turn up to you occasionally or you don’t find a chance to meet them for years. These relations by their style buck up you to climb the stairs of life consciously and their bragging or commenting boosts you to work more hard to pave the ways of your life to stand as firm in society.


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